Joost Invites

Would really appreciate an invite if somebody has a spare.

zen50273 [at]

Many thanks.
I've heard a lot about this recently, and would really appreciate an invite. Email in sig (the image, not the bit about biscuits).
Sorry guys for not getting back to people with my invites. I haven't even had the chance to accept mine yet due to several computer issues. New motherboard just refuses to work even on the second time around.

Luckily there have been others that got a bunch of invites and are inviting you all it seems :)
Joost isnt all its made out to be...

I got bored of it after 2 days. Until they actually put some quality programs on there I'm not gnna bother with it!
mp3kla said:
Joost isnt all its made out to be...

I got bored of it after 2 days. Until they actually put some quality programs on there I'm not gnna bother with it!
well its only just come out of beta so the only way is up!

im sure once its found its feet though!
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