Joost Invites

dave at mckjerral dot com
if you could be so kind

much appreciated, cheers dude
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Wouldn't mind an invite please, email in sig :)

Edit: Got the inveite, thanks very much!
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I have 999 invites too. Can't be doing with sending a load out right now though. Only 6 hours left to write 7,000 words. YAY.

I'll get on it on Friday if there's still people wanting in. :)

Edit: By the way, Lazy TV UK has some great programs called "Fitness Corner". ;)
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I'd <3 an invite if anyone has one spare, email in trust. Tx.

Edit: just had two come through, thankyou chaps.
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Thanks Gav for inviting everyone! I'll sign up after work then come here and invite anyone still left out.

Wow got an invite from Lunix too! Feel so popular :p
I'd love an invite, been looking for one recently :D. So if anyone has one my email is in trust! Thanks.

(edit - send to my msn address please :p ) Cheers!
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