Journey Back to The Stage

120x2? **** just got reel. Impressive lifting mate, making all kinds of gains recently.
Thursday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 40kg x12x2, 65kg x15x2, 70kg x20
Lunges - BW x16, 22kg x16x4
Leg Press - 200kg x12, 240kg x12, 280kg x12, 320kg x10, 360kg x10, 400kg x8
Squats - 80kg x12, 100kg x10x2
Calf Raises - 70kg x15x3
No Delvis, he probably did calf raises first, then lunges, then squats and leg extensions were mixed in together, and the Leg Press is the red herring - he actually didn't do those!
People tend to do compound exercises before isolation don't they? I know I do.

It's so you're fresh for compounds, I don't know what benefits that has.

Compounds - using more/bigger muscles - generate more test/HGH, IIRC, leaving a better environment for tiny muscles in isolation.

Practically, fatigue is the only real determinant of workout structure...
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