Journey Back to The Stage

My shoulders have been a lot fresher and stronger since I've done less DB pressing and stuck mostly to barbell pressing. I don't know if that means it was a form issue with my DB pressing, or my shoulders are just odd.
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Deadlifts - 110kg x12x2, 150kg x8x2, 180kg x1, 110kg x10
Lat Pulldowns - 70kg x10x4
Laying DB Rows - 32kg x10x4
Bent Over Rows - 70kg x10, 90kg x8x3
SLDL - 80kg x8x5

First time I've done deads in a while and it showed, 180 felt like a PB attempt :(
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Weighted Dips - 15kg x12x2, 25kg x10
Incline Bench - 70kg x12, 80kg x10x3
Bench Press - 70kg x10x2, 85kg x8x2
Incline DB Fly - 18kg x10x3
Cable Pulldown - 15kg x15x2, 25kg x10x2, 30kg x8
Cable Pushdowns - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10x2, 40kg x8
One Arm DB Extension - 10kg x10x2, 12kg x8
It was a bit odd starting off with dips, I normally do them as a finisher exercise, but it was quite good. Definitely good for getting some blood volume before benching
Dat feel when squat volume is too strong

Thursday: Quads

Squats - 70kg x12x2, 110kg x8x2, 130kg x5x2, 110kg x8x2, 70kg x12x2
Single Leg Leg Press - 140kg x10x5
Leg Extensions - 60kg x15x5

Was going to do front squats but my legs were twitching like mad at this point so took that as sign to stop :p
Friday: Delts/Biceps

Behind Neck Paused Press - 50kg x12, 60kg x10, 70kg x8x2
Seated Barbell Press - 70kg x10x3
Rear Delt Fly - 14kg x12x4
Side Laterals - 16kg x12x4
Seated DB Curls - 14kg x12x3, 16kg x10
Hammer Curls - 12kg x12x3
Preacher Curls - 25kg x25x2
Do you get any funny shoulder feels from BTN press? I know you like them but they do put your shoulders in a weaker (in terms of joint health) position.

Jelly of session though. That feel when no shoulder day for months :(
I actually feel really comfortable once someone has helped me unrack the bar. That's where it's uncomfortable, I literally can't even unrack an empty bar without a spot as my shoulders are all derp. But with someone unracking with me, once it's above my head, the movement feels very comfortable. But yeah, it's not something I want to get in the habit of doing every week long term, it's just a regular exercise at the moment due to me making some good progress on it and giving me awesome shoulder DOMS the next day
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Wide Grip Pullups - BW x10, 10kg x8x2
Cable Pullovers - 25kg x12, 35kg x10x3
One Arm Row - 40kg x15, 50kg x10x3
Laying DB Row - 30kg x12x3
Seated Cable Row - 100kg x10x2
SLDL - 60kg x12x2, 70kg x10, 80kg x8x2
Calf Raises - 80kg x15x2, 90kg x12x2, 110kg x8
Dem pectorals

Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Bench Press - 60kg x12, 80kg x10, 90kg x8, 100kg x5x2, 90kg x6 (Dropset 70kg x12)
DB Fly - 16kg x10x2, 20kg x10x2
Incline DB Press - 30kg x10x2, 32kg x8
V-Pushdown - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10
Overhead Cable Extensions Dropset - 30kg x12/25kg x12/20kg x10 x3 (fuark da pump!)
Skullcrushers - 30kg x10x3
Thursday: Quads/Calves

Leg Extensions - 45kg x15x2, 65kg x15x3
Squats - 70kg x12, 100kg x10x2, 120kg x8x2, 130kg x6, 100kg x10
Leg Press - 250kg x10, 290kg x10, 330kg x10 (Dropset 290kg x15)
BW Calf Raises - 20x3
Standing Calf Raisea - 70kg x12x3
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