Journey Back to The Stage

It's ok bro, I know no one cares about my log :( :(

One day someone will care, and I will continue to post in the hope that day isn't too far away

Friday: Shoulders/Biceps

Behind Neck BB Press - 60kg x12, 70kg x10, 75kg x8x2
DB Front Raises - 16kg x10x3
OHP - 50kg x8x3
Lateral Raises - 14kg x12x4
Rear Cable Fly - 15kg x10, 20kg x10x3
Seated DB Curl - 14kg x12x3, 16kg x10x2
Hammer Curl - 18kg x10x3
Preacher Curl - 30kg x12x2
Bro I want to feel those feels when you train. Give me some pix, some beautiful words that bring me close to those feels.
Training with Rob from tonight until end of January. Gonna be all kinds of gains. But fuark, dat feel when humbled with weight

New split too

Monday: Shoulders/Tris
Tuesday: Quads/Hams
Thursday: Chest/Biceps
Friday: Back

Monday: Shoulders/Triceps

Seated DB Press - 16kg x10, 20kg x8, 26kg x5, 30kg x12x2, 30kg x6/26kg x6
Paused Lateral Raises - 12kg x12x3
Z-Press - 30kg x12, 35kg x12x2
Rear Delt Dumbbell Row - 16kg x12x2
Bar Facepulls - BW x12x2
CGBP - 60kg x12x2, 60kg x10
DB Overhead Extensions - 28kg x12, 34kg x12x2
Cable Pushdowns - 20kg x12, 15kg x15

Z-Press, evil evil exercise. For anyone not sure. Sat on the floor, feet in front of you. Then barbell press. Sounds easy but it's brutal on your core
Is that the proper name for it?

Was so hard to breath and keep your core tight while lifting the bar with decent form
I have heard both, but Savickas Press was the first 'name' I heard given to the exercise.

I have only tried it with a bar, and that's pretty damn hard! :)
Legs with Rob, oh how I'd forgotten the pain :(

Tuesday: Quads

Squats - Bar xLots, 60kg x8, 80kg x5, 100kg x12, 100kg x12
Box Squats (but with a bench :p) - 110kg x12
Wide Leg Press - 200kg x12, 340kg x12x2
Walking Lunges - BW x48x2
Box Jumps - 12x2

Death, made worse by the fact Rob believes in 10 second rests for everything :p
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Neural activation stuff (box jumps) last? If it works... why not? :cool:

How do you find the masssssss is doing after the cut (you looking at rate of gain or whatever)?
Box jumps were horrible last, after 48 reps of lunges for 2 sets, I didn't feel like my legs had the power to get me off the ground, when I bent my legs before launching, it felt like they wouldn't come back up :p

Mass wise, I held on to my size. I cut 11kg in 10 weeks, but 4kg of that was in the first week, so it was a really slow and steady cut. And obviously as I was coming to a close with the cut, certain stuff was kicking in so the mass gaining now should go well
Yeah - box jumps would have sucked immensely after all that as your CNS tried to stimulate your borked muscles. :D

I'd have paid to watch that. :o :cool:
Thursday: Chest/Biceps

Bench Press - Bar, 60kg x10, 80kg x8, 90kg x12, 80kg x12x2
High Incline DB Press - 26kg x8 (chest was dead), 22kg x12x2
Pause Bench Press - 60kg x12x3
Incline Fly - 14kg x12x2
Bar Curls - 20kg x12, 30kg x12x2
Standing DB Curl - 12kg x12, 14kg x12
Hammer Preachers - 12kg x12x2

Holy ****!! Pumps were unreal, the weights so humbling with 10 second rests and 12 rep sets. My arms were crazy hyooge by the end
Friday: Back

Deadlifts - 60kg x10x2, 100kg x8, 140kg x4x4, 165kg x2x2, 140kg x8
Bent Over Rows - 70kg x12, 80kg x12x2
Pullups - BW x8, x6, x5
One Arm High Rows - 30kg x12x3
DB Shrugs - 40kg x12x2
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x12, 45kg x12x2

Fuark, I thought deadlifts would be easy with only 4 reps and 2 reps, but again, having such short rests just makes it so much more difficult
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