Jury Service (Do NOT turn this into a 'how to get out of jury service' thread)



29 May 2011
i have just been summonsed for the fourth time in my life to do jury service.

how is it deemed safe for me to sit in a closed room with 20+ strangers, and in close proximity to at least 11 of them(the other jury members).

we are supposed to be in the height of a pandemic, how is this being allowed? am i missing something?
Heard on the radio that they were looking at reducing the number of jurors due to the backlog of cases because of the pandemic, funnily enough I'm 47 and never been summoned but know a few people who have.
I have been called for my 6th time is 8 years ? - Here we've to report to a local cinema, but I'm annoyed I've been hiding / working from home since March, dont go to the shops etc.
i have just been summonsed for the fourth time in my life to do jury service.

how is it deemed safe for me to sit in a closed room with 20+ strangers, and in close proximity to at least 11 of them(the other jury members).

we are supposed to be in the height of a pandemic, how is this being allowed? am i missing something?
I imagine it'll somehow be spaced out jut like it would be in an office, which makes it magically "COVID secure".
Follow the secret barrister on twitter who has been pointing out this blindingly obvious stupidity for ages. Its not just the court room itself, the whole area around prisoner transport, interviews with witnesses, expensive and completely useless IT systems is just a giant cluster-f. Lots of courts were closed leading to the same case load being pushed into a smaller number of sites.

Nobody cares because crims are all guilty right ?
Same way others do at work who can't work from home. Locking people up for horrible crimes can't keep getting delayed. They'll surely have precautions in place, so i wouldn't worry.

Just cross your fingers you don't get a mind breaking case. When i did jury a few years ago the judge said after we wouldn't have to do it ever again as it was quite horrible. That or at least 10yrs, can't quite remember, my brain was broke after those weeks.
The "random" nature of being called up for this baffles me, I've never been called up and on the wrong side of 50 yet my daughter who is 21 has been.

But to OP, pretty sure they will have risk assessed the buggery out of doing it and the court service needs to keep moving, the backlog is staggering. If your not shielding there is no reason not to do it, some of us have to go to work every day still as our job can't be done from home.
I've done it once and absolutely loved it. I'd jump at the chance to do it again.

@jcr Watch an old black and white film called Twelve Angry Men before you serve. It's fiction about a jury in the US trying to decide someone's guilt. The whole film is set in just one room and it's great to watch.
Essential part of society, jury service.

Think yourself lucky you've been able to work from home - many people have been out there on the front lines for the whole pandemic providing other essential services.
Tell them you are self isolating and cant go :p

Seems silly at the moment. Ive been careful so far so wouldnt risk it.
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How do they do things at the moment? Presumably they will be using a larger venue such as a theatre or something so everyone can social distance?

Think it depends on the details tbh. If everyone was sat next to each other in a small room with no allowances for covid then I think I'd refuse to get involved purely to avoid being part of something stupid. However if everyone is distanced, good airflow in the jury room, masks on etc then I'd be happy to do it.

After all, the justice system is a really important part of our society, and I've always thought out would be really interesting to be involved in a trial (never been called up for jury duty myself though).
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