Just Arrived! VSonic VSD3S

21 Jan 2010

Got my VSonic VSD3S' this morning - strong US dollar relative to the Singapore dollar means these are getting rather reasonably priced, indeed - around £30 delivered. Thanks to lendmeurears for the very quick shipping!

Expect first impressions and a full review shortly and over the weekend :)

- Cookeh
From Singapore they took 5 days incl a weekend. lendmeurears is the only stockist and are based in Singapore itself, alongside VSonic. Used standard int'l shipping and Royal Mangle took over the UK leg.
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They seem to have great prices but awful customer service, think I'll pass.

I've personally had good service from them on the one occasion I have used them - faulty GR06 connection to housing, they gave me a full refund within the day. But then they are a small company based in SG, with no outlets/HQs anywhere else in the world, you can't very well expect anything amazing from them :p
First Impressions:

To sum these up in just one word: dynamic. I have tried so very hard to find a track that these bog down in...just doesn't happen. They're also very comfortable, possess excellent build quality and have a very musical sound signature that just makes you want more.

Expect a review in a week or two, when I've had more listening time (far from a hardship :D)
Not sure which way I'll go next, have my eye on a pair of RHA MA750's or a pair of Fidue A71's. Unlike the full sized headphone market there is just so much good sounding gear available at ridiculously low prices (not that I'm complaining).

Personally not a massive fan of the 750s. Undoubtedly good IEMs, but they are hideous, heavy, the cable is stupidly long and I cant figure out what they're trying to be in terms of sound signature. Good detail, but then a small soundstage - seems pointless. Seemingly boosted treble, but then rolled bass... So its not analytical, not V shaped, not warm, not 'fun', what is it? :D That and the fact the burn-in time for them is absolutely stupid (50 hours does nothing, double it and you're getting there).

I'd love to give the Fidue range a go, they get some smashing reviews. The A63s are very highly regarded as budget IEMs.

P.S. Working on the review as we speak, just swamped by dissertations/coursework.
I have, though I keep getting distracted by the DN-1000 which is more than I want to pay at the moment. They have such a wide and varied range I'm not sure which one would fit my preferences - smooth treble, lush mids and punchy (not bloated) and extended bass.

Another one I've been looking at is the Alpha-Genus by Rock Jaw. I like the idea of having three sets of filters that really do change the sound signature. From what I've read the champagne gold filter (balanced) should do the trick.

The DN22M is an extremely fun headphone, you'll be dancing around with a massive grin on your face getting the weirdest looks from the general public...no? Just me then... :eek::p I'd say it meets most of your preferences - certainly worth a look at, anyway :)

Can't say ive looked into, and definitely havent ever heard, the Rock Jaw range. Build quality looks a bit naff from a quick google, but there doesn't seem to be too many reviews out there?
I got the MA750 a couple of days ago and I think we must be listening to two very different IEMs. The ones I'm listening to don't have a small sound stage at all, with good imaging and instrument separation. The treble is clear and detailed but not overly so and if there is any roll off its very agreeable to these ears - don't forget, I'm an HD650 aficionado. The mids are slightly warm if anything, though they are still full of detail. The bass doesn't seem rolled at all to me, it's just not boosted, though it extends well into the sub-bass. Overall I find the sound quite natural and not tuned for fun like the rest of their range.

The MA750 really doesn't like low bit rate MP3s, they sound pretty bad, so they are living on a diet of 24/96 FLACs and loving it. :cool:

I agree that they are heavy but when you loop them over your ears that becomes something of a non problem. I appear to be lucky with the fit, I'm using the largest tips and they are just the right size for a snug fit without being overly tight and are comfortable for long listening sessions. Saying that, the outside of my left ear is a bit sore but I did have them in for about eight hours straight yesterday. :eek:

I did try the Dunu DN1000 and while they are a very impressive sounding IEM the treble is a bit hot for my ears and left me wincing a few times. As I mentioned above, I'm an HD650 aficionado and heavily EQ my K702s - extra hot highs are not something I enjoy.

I agree that they're quite fussy with their source, they are very capable of highlighting bad quality recordings and masters. I must be used to lighter IEMs, but I found the weight of the driver to be pulling them out of my ears - further abetted by the fact the fit was just way off for me.

Prior to listening to them I had been using my Qs and Quarkies, both of which of course have wide soundstages, so that comment may have been slightly unfair, but I do still find the VSonics to have better soundstage. Bass impact just seemed lacking for me, no real drive or that great an extension - stuff like Clubroot really suffered as he puts a lot of detail and melody into the sub-bass. Treble may again have been biased by the Qs/Quarkies, I'd have to give them another listen to really bring across a proper counter-argument :)

My VSD3S developed a fault in Jan, still waiting for my replacements to arrive.

Interesting, what was the fault? If its the cable, you can get aftermarket ones for a reasonable price, or just buy the stock OEM replacements. I presume you've chased VSonic up regarding the matter?

This is turning into an Asian IEM appreciation thread! :p

The Xiaomi Piston 2 and 3 are another good low-cost IEM with a V-shaped fun sound that easily rivals IEMs costing £50 +.

I've been looking at getting some Havi B3 Pro 1s actually. What's the general consensus on them? I'm on a bit of an IEM spree at the moment so recommend me anything under £100 and I'll probably take a look! :)

VSonic VSD3-S wont disappoint, I can promise that much. I have heard a lot of good things about the Piston range too, but yet to try them. B3s used to get rave reviews but they seem to be falling out of the limelight recently, a lot of 'newer' IEMs are doing their job just as well, if not better. theheadphonelist.com is a good place to look for IEM reviews/comparisons :)
Oh yeah, the review... Yeah... Disso, exams, PhD applications - just not found the time. Post-exams, it will be done (~6 weeks), apologies if anyone was holding out for a review :(
Maybe we could start up a thread dedicated to IEMs and mobile gear when you've got more time.

I'm wondering if the lack of bass you heard with the MA750s could be down to you not getting a good fit? I tend to push them in fairly deep (with the largest tips) and do get a good seal and the bass is stupidly good.

That certainly sounds like a good idea to me!

Thats the conclusion I came too, the heft of the driver plus a poor fit more than likely contributed. Other IEMs like the VSonic range and the Eternas had a much deeper insertion and hence better bass response. I'd give them a go with Comply's or even Shure Olives, but Im not convinced that even that would help, think my ears may simply be too small for what is really quite a sizeable driver.

For me and my uses, small and light is the way forward - simply cannot see myself being able to use the 750s on the run/bike/gym as they are just too big and too heavy.
Thanks for reminding me about the Genus, they really are an interesting little IEM.

AlecR, the SteelSeries Flux are very capable for the money too, which I found to be really surprising given that they are marketed as gaming IEMs.
Probably too late for that, thankfully most fakes are really easy to spot. Especially fake FiiO/VSonics.

If you do go for the VSonics, make sure you buy through lendmeurears - delivery is quick and they are the only licensed reseller for VSonic in the world, meaning no fakes.
What would the rock jaws be like for running and mountain biking, just about to order Shure se215. Does anyone have other alternatives? Can get the sennheiser ie60 for £109

What sound signature are you looking for? Plenty of good options in the £100 range - of which the SE215 is undoubtedly one of them. GR07 Classic or Bass Edition are both excellent considerations as well, and very highly regarded.
I'd consider the GR07 Classic then, VSonics always have excellent fit in my experience - especially if you run them over-ear and ensure you have the right tips (Shure Olives are sublime imo, but they supplied tips are very good as well). The supplied ear-guides might help you too, though I cant say for sure as they're always too big for my baby ears.
The Shure 'Olives' have the model number PA910. If you google Shure PA910 you get a whole host of options in terms of size, type, number etc :) earphonesolutions.com is an official Shure stockist and offers a 5 pack for $15 dollars.
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