Okay thanks didnt even know that so I will purchase but need to think about colour. I hope they were solid colour. Also what is the diffrence between VSD3S and VSD3? Lastly would they be suitable for base heavy music (dubstep, rock some chart music)?
The VSD3-S has the better bass imo - see these comments:
Erm, tough one. S has slighty more bass presence and better bass response. Slightly warmer sound.
I personally prefer the S, it depends on what sound signature you're looking for.
Not from my experience VS3 has more forward vocals, so it sounds a bit more aggressive than the -S, as a result the bass doesn't stand out quite as much. It also made the VS3 sound a bit more 'artificial'
They would definitely be suitable for rock/dub, they're epic for that, as those are the kind of genres this sound signature lends itself to.
VSonic offers the VSD3/-S in solid colours and smoked colours, I personally have the smoked grey colour but it might as well be solid