Just been burgled

That sucks. Alas, there is nothing that can be done to combat the little chav problem.

Here's a interesting fact, 99% of the time, the problem lies with the parents not giving a ****. If you want to get revenge and harm somebody (not that I'd ever condone such an action...), go and smack up the parents and then trash their house with a baseball bat.
Vicious said:
that really sucks

the place where my dad works has just burnt down, lewes in east sussex is where it happened

aload of kids set fire to some paint stripper or something out the back, everything inside is burnt i beleive, so probably lost all paperwork and stuff on computer :(:(:(

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/4964172.stm That one? Nasty.. at least they caught the "juvenile".

MossyUK said:

Not strictly necessary to get more staff. They just need to get rid of all the stupid amounts of red tape. I swear the civil service is just there to generate bureaucracy. Its ridiculous that for every single incident the police deal with they have to spend a couple of hours filling in forms, triplicates etc. etc. Its no wonder they're not out and about dealing with minor incidences, as they've only got the time to deal with the majors.
Kids universally push the line. Every kid does it, and every good parent / society enforces that line to teach them good behaviour. Not much of the latter seems to be happening these days. If you stop it at the earliest stages, where they're just pushing the line, then its a lot easier to deal with, but by the time it gets to the later stages its too late. The parents seemingly couldn't give a monkeys, and the Police have too much on their hands dealing with the major crimes to deal with the minor infractions.

Rich1988 said:
^ = more taxes :(

Not necessarily.. the government needs to stop putting money into 'special funds', which would mean stopping giving the media Caesars Gold stories, and just put it all into single pots that is shared out amongst the police forces evenly. Same goes for pretty much most of public sector, I swear half the underfunding is more because to get the extra funding from specific pots you've got to jump through a dozen hoops, fill in a hundred documents for each hoop, and then stamp your right foot three times, whlist simultaneously practicing penalty shootouts. The demands are absolutely ludicrous.
yep that was it, didnt know they had arrested some one

from what my dad tells me the whole place is burnt except for the office bit which mostly survived, hes managed to get all the paper work and computers out too
Bah, just had a call back from one of the officers, the bong is of no use to them as it was in a communal area (finding it at the end back lane next to a vandalised car was just a coincidence then :()

Would have different if it had been spotted at the time and not an hour after the police left i suppose.
Got hold of the cctv footage of the shop they thought they were spray painting. They were there nearly 90 minutes :eek: Nice view of two of them walking around smoking the bong though ;) Coincidence my arse! :D

Also timed a full 5 minutes of the first officer arriving and our car reversing past the camera. Little angels were lucky. Where would i stand if i performed a citizens arrest and they resisted?

Had a call from a youth support officer (a what?) telling me that te first scumbag has been dealt with. YAY! He's been given a "final warning". huh? Scrote now goes though some scheme or other to help him work out his problems.

Would i like a written letter of apology? Would i ballcocks. Oh but he's admitted his crime. Of course he bloody has, an officer caught him in the act, if he'd denied it he would have to go to court.

And i've got sod all chance of getting any compensation as i'd have to pursue a civil claim against him, which would cost me more than i'd be getting back :mad:

Can i have my Police Force back now, this Police Service doesn't seem to have any teeth. :mad:
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SB118 said:

Had a call from a youth support officer (a what?) telling me that te first scumbag has been dealt with. YAY! He's been given a "final warning". huh? Scrote now goes though some scheme or other to help him work out his problems.

Would i like a written letter of apology? Would i ballcocks. Oh but he's admitted his crime. Of course he bloody has, an officer caught him in the act, if he'd denied it he would have to go to court.

And i've got sod all chance of getting any compensation as i'd have to pursue a civil claim against him, which would cost me more than i'd be getting back :mad:

Can i have my Police Force back now, this Police Service doesn't seem to have any teeth. :tdown:

Tin of paint > side of house. ;)

That will get on the parents nerves.

I was nearly done with vandalism for writing "fagbag" about 2ft high letters in the middle of a street with asda smart price custard creams i may add. Oh and big arrows pointing to the guys house. :D His dad,CID copper threated to kick my ass if i was in his street again. Yeh rite mate. :rolleyes:
sniffy said:
That's appalling :mad:

Seconded, but the police can only make sure the current law is enforced, it should be changed to give them more freedom to pursue other punishments like forcing them to clean it up and pay compensation, etc. :(
SB118 said:

Had a call from a youth support officer (a what?) telling me that te first scumbag has been dealt with. YAY! He's been given a "final warning". huh? Scrote now goes though some scheme or other to help him work out his problems.

Would i like a written letter of apology? Would i ballcocks. Oh but he's admitted his crime. Of course he bloody has, an officer caught him in the act, if he'd denied it he would have to go to court.

And i've got sod all chance of getting any compensation as i'd have to pursue a civil claim against him, which would cost me more than i'd be getting back :mad:

Can i have my Police Force back now, this Police Service doesn't seem to have any teeth. :mad:

I would be surprised, but Devon and Cornwall are the single most incompetant entity in the entireity of the country... Unless it involves catching speeders on a wide three lane dual they are ******* ****
Dolph said:
I would be surprised, but Devon and Cornwall are the single most incompetant entity in the entireity of the country... Unless it involves catching speeders on a wide three lane dual they are ******* ****

This case makes me think of the debates you and I have taken part in, about tough sentencing versus cleanup rates. Clearly in this case the criminal HAS been caught by the police, but because of our weak/non-existent punishments, he is free to do it again, and no doubt will.

And perhaps if he'd known he'd face severe punishment if caught, he might have been deterred from doing it in the first place. As it was, he knew he'd get away with it even if caught, so there was nothing stopping him.
dirtydog said:
And perhaps if he'd known he'd face severe punishment if caught, he might have been deterred from doing it in the first place. As it was, he knew he'd get away with it even if caught, so there was nothing stopping him.
Agreed, and it's the emphasis these days being taken away from the idea of the punishment serving as a deterrent to others. There's the very recent incident of the guy crying in court and being let off with 200 hours community service instead of a jail term. His crime? Pushing a pint glass in the face of a pub landlord!
I seem to recall a young woman stole tens of thousands from the bank where she worked, but because she cried in court the judge said she had "suffered enough" and didn't give her a custodial sentence. You really couldn't make this stuff up.

Why don't we just let off any criminal who is scared of going to prison - what a great plan!

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Well, that's how it should work at least...
The law system is so flawed, and unless its sorted out soon people are going to take actions themselfs to get things done :mad:
after watching POTC2, i have come to the conclusion that ten lashes is the ideal punishment.

really. lashes hurt like **** and are (all but) free to administer. (cost of the whip...)

i mean, sure, some namby-wamby-**** will say that its cruel and stuff, but, really, scars heal eventually and it seems that pain is the only thing that these juvenilles understand.
Not that I'm a KW, but I'm all for vigilantism (is that a word?)

Caught the scrote that stole my car stereo and broke every finger on his hand with a pump pliers. Twas my cousin too.

If I caught anyone stealing from me, I would have no problem dishing out my own brand of punishment.
Dolph said:
I would be surprised, but Devon and Cornwall are the single most incompetant entity in the entireity of the country... Unless it involves catching speeders on a wide three lane dual they are ******* ****
Seconded. Wear a white hoodie + burberrry cap with a spliff hanging out of your mouth while robbing an old granny = warning.
Doing 63 in a 60 zone = nice wad of your next pay-packet gone.

Little *darlings* get away with murder, they really do. You'd think its wonderful and quiet in devon, but my town is swarming with them :(

Shame they didn't get anything mate, revenge is a dish best served cold :p
simple solution, nuter people who are doing this crimes again and again, that will teach the buggers
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