Just bought a Wii U !

I got a wii u last week, some good deals with lego city.

Wish I got one earlier, the few games I have tried have been a lot of fun and have just worked without issue, can't remember that last time I said that about a game!
ZombiU is a good survival horror game (it's not a 'first person shooter'), I really enjoyed it. Some very tense moments and really does work great with the GamePad.

Quite an atmospheric game too, some nice art direction in places.

a few screens I took while playing:




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I have Zelda and NSMB U. What is the best freebie to get with MK8?
Pikmin or Sonic I guess?

Not Sonic. The poor guy has been so misused by Sega that's he's damaged goods now.

Pikmin is an excellent game. 101 too. Monster Hunter, if you don't mind the learning curve, is arguably the best online game on the system after MK8 :)
I really want Star Fox for the Wii U!!!

It would be so awesome and you could really use the game pad to further the game!

There are some rumours for it, but at most they are just rumours with no concrete evidence :(
Each to their own. From what i've played the newer games are ok at best, with some nods to past greatness mixed with new content that shows Sega really don't know what they're doing with the ip. Either way, a million miles from the Sonic that used to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mario.
tempted to pick one up just to play mario kart

They all say that - and then they realise that in fact as amazing as MK8 is - it's actually just one title from around 7 or 8 that are completely irresistible.

MK8 is a good start - but it's just a start, the hole goes a lot deeper. :)
What are the batman games like on Wii U? Is zombie U worth picking up?

Arkham City is great on Wii U. Origins looks a bit rushed to me. Like it was ported straight from the 360 version and is unoptimized for Wii U, gets some slowdown in fight scenes etc.

Arkham City is worth getting on Wii U, especially at it's current price.
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