Just bought a Wii U !

Thinking about getting a Wii U with MK, where is the cheapest place to buy this right now (if we can ask here?)

Got mine from Argos the nsmbu premium bundle was 250 , got the luigi game aswell with that and mass effect 3 , then bought mk8 and mario 3d about 335 I think it was for the lot, and I also got wind waker hd free with mk8 ! Too many games to play haha also thinking about getting DK .. This console is amazing
Me too, constantly keeping my eyes peeled. Still think this is a console that should be sub £200 with MK.

If you see anything give me a shout :) and likewise.

It was £199 with Mario Kart a few weeks ago from Tesco Direct when I got my Pre - Order.

I love this console. I had no idea how great the Game Pad would be. I always imagined it would be just like playing on my old DS but the screen is way bigger and its actually alright.
You should get commission :)

What game does everyone recommend to get as the free download? Zelda?

Haha your not the first person to say that to me :) ... I got wind waker hd , because of the art style and updated textures it is still looks good , never finished it though so I must complete it this time round , as above though I've mostly been on mk8 ! What a game ! Pc and ps4 are currently gathering dust haha
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