Just cause 3

Had 20 mins before work. Lots of fun. lots of stuff going BOOM ! Was silky smooth at 60fps on ultra using my 970 it did drop a fair bit when poop hit the fan. Never had a chance to mess with settings.
Played almost 4 hours tonight. A bit boring at first but once you start just going around and taking over any area you want and getting airstrikes rained on you... yea it's a blast :D

I'm playing at 2160p and it's very smooth. No issues shooting people or stutters on explosions. I'm very happy with performance overall.

Also I don't get a delay with vehicles... but I'm also not using vsync. Not sure if that would help or not.
I cant seem to get the hang of the grappling hook, it always wants to link to items together how do you get the hook to retract?
I see a lot of people saying that theres lots of explosions and action etc but does this one have more structure or story that jc2? I found that stuff fun for an hour or so but then couldnt seem to progress at all
I cant seem to get the hang of the grappling hook, it always wants to link to items together how do you get the hook to retract?

The tethers? If you hold down the left trigger (on a 360 controller) it'll pull the two together, and I think you hold B to release the tethers completely.
Can anyone tell me if there's a main city? From what I've seen there doesn't seem to be one :( I'd love to have the one from 2 just to fly my wing suit around and base jump off buildings.

Same goes for a main airport - there just seems to be military air bases and no busy commercial airport? I loved attaching together two passenger planes as they took off into 2.
2 settlements liberated so far, how on earth do I get access to the rebel drops? I've put 1 car into the garage but cannot see the menu for it.

Ah got it, need to liberate a specific settlement, I should read :P
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The controls take a while to get used to but the tethers are great fun.

Games looks and runs superb for me, everything full ultra with SMAA x2, DOF off and it is holding 120-135fps easily @ 1080p.

I have my fps locked to 135 for Gsync.
Had a quick blast on it past the first few missions till it opens up. Does exactly what it says on the tin.

Looks beautiful and running perfect no issues whatsoever, i keep meaning to rightclick to look down iron sights forgetting thats the grapple :D

Bed time and will give it another blast after work tomorrow :)

Done that right click to ADS about a dozen times so far! Had V-Sync on, do the spongy vehicle controls get better without it? Also agree about the vehicle cameras.

Oh and I also managed to clip inside an empty warehouse at the power plant when tethering and now I can't get out. :(
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had a quick 20 minute go.. I like it so far... and yip once again a gtx970 here and running smooth... not sure on FPS as my osd isint coming up in jc3... off to check settings
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