Just cause 3

I've completed 30% currently after 15hrs of playing and I'm enjoying the game so far, performance is just fine at 2560x1440 DSR downsampled to 1080p (can't go higher due to no SLI support), all settings maxed out apart from motion blur and edge fade off.

The only performance issue is where there is lots of explosions, frame rate would drop from 60fps to 35 to 40fps and the GPU usage will drop to 50 to 60% usage. CPU usage doesn't really change so something is not right there and I'm using the latest 359.06 drivers as well.

Loading time is fine and I'm running it of a 3TB Seagate HDD, from starting the game to playing it's around a minute, far faster than GTA online anyway :D

Graphics are ok but GTA 5 looks far nicer. Really hate the vehicle controls, the one motorbike I used on a challenge turned like a tank. Jets are ok but choppers are bloody horrible to fly and cars turn to slowly. GTA 5 has far better vehicle controls no matter what the vehicle is.

It's worth the £18 I paid but the regular £40 price is a rip off for this to be honest.
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the thing with this game I think the vehicles are a second its more to do with blowing the ***p out of everything...

or is that just me?
But it would be amazing to drive around the islands with good driving physics like GTA, it's been complained about since JC1 and they've done naff all to improve it.
I've completed 30% currently after 15hrs of playing and I'm enjoying the game so far, performance is just fine at 2560x1440 DSR downsampled to 1080p (can't go higher due to no SLI support), all settings maxed out apart from motion blur and edge fade off.

The only performance issue is where there is lots of explosions, frame rate would drop from 60fps to 35 to 40fps and the GPU usage will drop to 50 to 60% usage. CPU usage doesn't really change so something is not right there and I'm using the latest 359.06 drivers as well.

Loading time is fine and I'm running it of a 3TB Seagate HDD, from starting the game to playing it's around a minute, far faster than GTA online anyway :D

Graphics are ok but GTA 5 looks far nicer. Really hate the vehicle controls, the one motorbike I used on a challenge turned like a tank. Jets are ok but choppers are bloody horrible to fly and cars turn to slowly. GTA 5 has far better vehicle controls no matter what the vehicle is.

It's worth the £18 I paid but the regular £40 price is a rip off for this to be honest.

I agree. I am running at 1440p with everything on maximum and sweetfx on top, and get 60fps constant aside from lots of explosions - that's when it drops a bit for me to about 45-50fps and the usage drops as well. Maybe an engine glitch rather than a horsepower glitch.

All vehicles are absolute crap to use - I have only done 4% of the story as Im floating around the map and doing wingsuit challenges :) So much fun.

Graphics....not sure about them to be honest, its pretty yes, but not very crisp imo.

I think I need to get an extra HDD for shadowplay...been recording so much.
Just done a 27 minute video.

Featuring a 4 train pile up, bike ride through a mining complex and forest and a jet through tunnels and over mountains, 73 mins to upload...
M&K here and no issues. A shame there's nothing multiplayer in it at all. Even a passive mode or simply letting a few friends loose on the island with no overall goal to just arse about would have been welcome.
Virtually no issues for me bar the expected frame rate drops with lots on screen. Run it maxed bar shadows down to high at 1080p and under normal conditions it's always above 60fps from what I can tell. Load times aren't an issue at all so far (on SSD) and the driving isn't as bad as I expected. Only encountered one bug and that's in the menu screen being given keyboard prompts when I'm using a 360 controller - flicks back and forth. The gunplay and enemies do seem lack luster as reviews sometimes state. More a pickup and play for 30 mins type game it seems thus far. All the talk of a bad running game from nvidia users (aware amd users have some issues) makes me wonder what hardware they're running and if their pc is even stable. I'm not even on the latest drivers (358.91) and it's perfectly fine, in fact good and my pc isn't high end.
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Ive not had any issues either. only thing ive done settings wise is turned v-synch on but that's more down to my monitor.
I wouldn't say my machine is high end either and everything is set to max for me.
Turfed a guy out of his fancy speed boat the other night. Felt sorry for him as he had no life jacket on and it was miles from shore. Nice boat though! Fast too!

I've grown to love tethering two bad guy together or sticking them to a wall 20 feet up. Need to try it with some cows.
Bought this earlier - I kind of forgot about system requirements and hence my 4 year old 560ti can't really run it! Even at like 1280*720 or something silly on low settings, it struggles :(

Now I just need to decide if I can be bothered to spend money on a card (and what) to play the game.... but considering I don't really play anything it would be a bit of a waste! However I have an ultra-HD Samsung monitor and my 560ti can only run it at 1080p so an upgrade would make sense...
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