Just cried watching a tv show...

Loads of films make me cry. I get quite emotional.

Last one that comes to mind was Crash, when the cop if trying to get the woman out of the car. That was so powerful.

Some TV shows make me cry too.
AndyBorzi said:
Don't really cry at movies as I don't get that involved.

I was laughing so hard I was crying whilst watching Robots at the weekend (the farting scene!) I get that way with most farting scenes in films (Blazing Saddles, Turner & Hooch, Pink Panther-the lift scene etc etc- i'm so immature! :)
I went into paroxysms of laughter with that scene in Robots. My son got down off the sofa and tapped me on the leg to see if I was OK!
You beast Fatiain! Good one though.

Also remembers crying when the rabbits were being killed in Watership Down, always had my own bunny since I was a 3y/o.
there are a few films that evoke some emotion from me, ET everytime tho, it just puts me back as a little boy watching it for the first time everytime!
Mana said:
man, i think i am a wuss... just cried at the ending of a tv show (v.sad) and it got me thinking what films/shows on tv that u guys and gals have cried in.

some of the films that have made me cry : armageddon, terminator 2 (u may laugh, but when arny goes in and does the thumbs up...), green mile, ET (was a wee kid). hmm cant think of anymore.

give us yours.

dons plz keep this here as it will get more replies.

o and the tv show was smallville (am a superman nut).

Hah, I was a little gutted at an Episode in Season 2 of Smallville called 'Ryan'.
chimaera said:
I didn't cry but its the only time a tv show has literally smacked me in the face, when you realise he died and you suddenly see what the whole episode what saying, i just sat there staring at the screen.

Thats been voted the best episode of 'Scrubs' ever. Personally, I'd put it up there for the best TV episode of any show ever.
The Green Mile and Saving Private Ryan are the only two films to make my cry good and proper, many others have made me shed the odd tear like Armageddon.
Green Mile and Passion of The Christ always bring me extremely close to tears. Green Mile more so :(

Last week there was a documentary on about abandoned babies in places like Romania, China etc and the conditions they have to live in. That put me right on the verge of tears in a real big way.
Never burst out crying to a film, but I've certainly filled up a few times. Green Mile is certainly a killer, Armageddon too (but not at the emotional farewell - the flashbacks Harry has when he pushes the button get me for some reason).

To add a different one to the mix, when Satine dies in Moulin Rouge I was feeling it. It's a very passionate (in the artistic sense - so much life) film though, and I was very much sucked in by it.
The end of Schindler's List when the actual survivors he helped are putting the rocks on his tombstone. Gets me every time :)
Sic said:
i cried in Scrubs when Brendan Fraser's character died. utterly amazing piece of television.

Yeah that's a wounder. Quality episode though.

I almost cried the first time i saw Crash when the little girl jumps on her Dad and you think she's been shot. :eek:

That was harsh. :(
Very sad of me I know, but the first time I watched "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" I cried during Spock's death scene. :)
Sic said:
i cried in Scrubs when Brendan Fraser's character died. utterly amazing piece of television.

Yeah, that got me too. I also cried at the last episode of Black Adder, its was really bad as we were watching it in a history lesson as well, I'd got too attached to the characters. Really got to to me that end did.
Big Fish - The bit at the end where the son tells the story of how he's going to die then at the funeral you realise he was actually telling the truth. Makes me cry for a good twenty minutes, it's just a beautiful film.

Green Mile, Armageddon, Shawshank Redemption, and Gladiator make me emotional but I fight it back.
ive never cried while watching a film/TV but i almost did when i was around 7-8 years old and i watched Short Circuit 2

when the thugs smashed Johnny 5
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