I went into paroxysms of laughter with that scene in Robots. My son got down off the sofa and tapped me on the leg to see if I was OK!AndyBorzi said:Don't really cry at movies as I don't get that involved.
I was laughing so hard I was crying whilst watching Robots at the weekend (the farting scene!) I get that way with most farting scenes in films (Blazing Saddles, Turner & Hooch, Pink Panther-the lift scene etc etc- i'm so immature!![]()
Ukadder said:I did actually have a tear in my eye watching Titanic (I'm gay not sensitive!)
Mana said:man, i think i am a wuss... just cried at the ending of a tv show (v.sad) and it got me thinking what films/shows on tv that u guys and gals have cried in.
some of the films that have made me cry : armageddon, terminator 2 (u may laugh, but when arny goes in and does the thumbs up...), green mile, ET (was a wee kid). hmm cant think of anymore.
give us yours.
dons plz keep this here as it will get more replies.
o and the tv show was smallville (am a superman nut).
chimaera said:I didn't cry but its the only time a tv show has literally smacked me in the face, when you realise he died and you suddenly see what the whole episode what saying, i just sat there staring at the screen.
Sic said:i cried in Scrubs when Brendan Fraser's character died. utterly amazing piece of television.
Sic said:i cried in Scrubs when Brendan Fraser's character died. utterly amazing piece of television.