Just cried watching a tv show...

chrisd said:
The only time a guy is allowed to cry is when Atreyus' horse dies in The Neverending Story.

Poor Artax

:( :(

Aww man thatv scene brings back some memories. I was forcing myself further down into the setee to prevent myself from crying cos all my cousins were watching it with us too.
I cried recently when I watched a montage on the net about David Rocastle (the bloke in my sig), and it had some clips of him playing,and other players talking about him. I get a lump in my throat when I hear his name chanted.:(
Mana said:
terminator 2 (u may laugh, but when arny goes in and does the thumbs up...)

I always shed a tear when arnie dies in his films (when he's the good guy). The end of 'End of days' is always a teary one!
when i was on a come down i cried at the simpsons. that episode where barney quits the booze and saves lisa and bart from the forest fire in a helicopter... well homer and barney are having a matey heart to heart at the end and it was just all too much for my delicate state.

Thought I was the only one that cried at the end of Terminator 2. I remember I also cried when saw evil dead 2 when I was around 8 but that's because I was scared ****less and was too scared to walk up to the VCR and turn it off. Oh yeah Lion King had my in tears too.
i cry loads in films, usually if a main character dies

eg The Green Mile, Gladiator, Armegedon, Road to Perdition, Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and so so so many more

Film that gets me every time no matter how many times i watch it is Beaches, so sad :(
I once cried in the Jungle Book film when i was 3 years old, never cried again in any films.
I just find any film i watch relaxing, it takes me away from my surroundings and really gets me into it, whether it a good or bad film. However i never have emotions from it, it's just something i don't do.
I cry at so many films I couldn't possibly list them all! :o

One of the main ones that comes to mind though is "What Dreams May Come". It's a really beautiful movie and it gets me everytime. First time I watched it though I cried from start to finish!
Kell_ee001 said:
I cry at so many films I couldn't possibly list them all! :o

One of the main ones that comes to mind though is "What Dreams May Come". It's a really beautiful movie and it gets me everytime. First time I watched it though I cried from start to finish!

Once of my favourite movies. Suprised me that it didnt do well at the cinemas :confused:
oh yeah, and the simpsons episode where the kids ask homer why he doesn't have any pictures of maggie, and he says he does, but he keeps them where he needs them most (at work).

that's a bit of a heart tugger too, but again, it's because homer is so damn endearing.

what i really don't like is when they lay it on way too thick with the emotional stuff and you snap out of the moment. i felt that away about return of the king. after the battle it just goes on and on plucking the heart strings, i ended up thinking, "for god's sake, get on the damn boat".
MrWhippy said:
oh yeah, and the simpsons episode where the kids ask homer why he doesn't have any pictures of maggie, and he says he does, but he keeps them where he needs them most (at work).

I loved that one...


Ive never full on cry'd. (too much of a tough guy :D ) but my eyes filled up a bit on pearl harbour and armageddon. I do tend to get very involved with films but dont want to cry so fight it! lol.
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Never cried in a film. I think the last time I cried properly was in the late 1980's when my Mum took me to see He-Man who was coming down the the local shopping center, but when we got there it turned out to be She-Ra :(
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