Just found out today

Behemoth said:
I wouldn't play her mind games anymore.

Wise, one thing I have learnt is to never play these mind games, hard to get games, etc avoid these types at all cost. Its a...well its been a learning experience for you I guess. I'd get a restraining order or tell the police in advance if you have this worry, this will be for security for you just incase she tries to make any allegations in the future, etc.

Dont be too scared though, get on with your life. This chick is lost, its clear she is one who doesnt know what she wants, desires attention and enjoys watching others in pain but moans when its her in pain. These type never learn, I can relate to how you feel but it stops at the point of physical knife threatning for me.

Hope it all works out.
I was asked a few days ago by a work colleague if there was any chance we'd get back together, the answer was something along the lines of it being a cold day in hell before that ever happens.

As I said I'm feeling a lot better about it now, she probably never will show up here or at work becuase she knows my family, and espcially my sister would give her some serious beeatings. And work would just call the police.
Sounds to me like you're blowing your own trumpet a bit mate ;)

I doubt she'll show up. Personally, I reckon that yes, whilst you know you're better haven gotten rid of her, a part of you still isn't over her. :)

Ant :cool:
Behemoth said:
Yeah I guess I'm not 100% over her yet, I know it takes time.

Fair play. To be honest I thought you might take offense :) There's absolutely nothing wrong with not quite being over her, and I think you know this. Give it a little time. News about her has probably brought back echoes of what you felt for her. Even if she was a pscyho-cow-mutilator-from-hell, doesn't mean you didn't love her eh ;)

Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't Kill 'em.

Ant :cool:
WantoN said:
Fair play. To be honest I thought you might take offense :) There's absolutely nothing wrong with not quite being over her, and I think you know this. Give it a little time. News about her has probably brought back echoes of what you felt for her. Even if she was a pscyho-cow-mutilator-from-hell, doesn't mean you didn't love her eh ;)

Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't Kill 'em.

Ant :cool:

Whats to get offended about when it's the truth ?? :)

I know that at the end of the day if she does try to make contyact I know what to do. Which is not to losemy temper but to just ognore her, and if ned be use one of the options you guys mentioned. Well the legal and serious ones.
Behemoth said:
Whats to get offended about when it's the truth ?? :)

I know that at the end of the day if she does try to make contyact I know what to do. Which is not to losemy temper but to just ognore her, and if ned be use one of the options you guys mentioned. Well the legal and serious ones.

I won't presume to judge mate, I don't know the situation. But having know birds like this in the past, ignoring goes a long way. It's all about getting a reaction, as I'm sure you know all too well ;)

Ant :cool:
Behemoth said:
I have to ask mate, what does that mean ??
this thread is useless without pics

but you.. know, posting pic of woman to avoid is like posting number plates of cars that have had dogs in them.. yes you should avoid, but theres so many.. youll never get them all.
Nana said:
this thread is useless without pics

but you.. know, posting pic of woman to avoid is like posting number plates of cars that have had dogs in them.. yes you should avoid, but theres so many.. youll never get them all.

Agreed. Post the fitty you're trying to pull at the minute :p

Ant :cool:
She sounds like she really loves you. You should reconsider and take her back - she NEEDS you. :eek:

Seriously though, I went out with a psycho once, and she really very nearly ruined my life. She was expert at playing mind games, and did the old taking too many sleeping pills trick. In the end though, I made the decision to leave and that was that - severed all ties and never saw her again. Had the odd phone call now and then telling me she was having my child but that soon died away. Shame she was a psycho - she was good in the bedroom department. ;)

As others have said - just keep away and ignore her and she will go away.
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