Just gave blood again, do you?

Hang on, 467 donations?

Assuming you are a platelet doner you would have had to donate every 4 weeks without missing an appointment for the last 36 years, i.e since you were 13 years old. I mean props to you if I'm just off on how often or whatever but that sounds a bit silly.

Edit: Nevermind, just checked and found you can donate platelets and blood just as regularly, so I'll assume that's what you do.

Also yes I give blood twice a year, actually should be within the next couple of months, have done for the last 2 years.
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I keep trying to give my blood to the clinic out here and they send out emails asking me to donate, but then they never tell me when, fail medical centre is a failure
Just did my 10th donation the other week when the bloodmobile visited work, got a little pin-badge :cool:
Have done a few times in the past, not recently though. Seems to take quite a bit to coax my blood out as well!
I've tried several times, but I faint every time and they've told me not to bother. I wish I could, as I think it's a very noble thing to do.

you giving platelets or something thats a helluva lot of donations

How can you have 400+ donations?? The place i donate only allows a donation every 4 months

Hang on, 467 donations?

Assuming you are a platelet doner you would have had to donate every 4 weeks without missing an appointment for the last 36 years, i.e since you were 13 years old. I mean props to you if I'm just off on how often or whatever but that sounds a bit silly.

Edit: Nevermind, just checked and found you can donate platelets and blood just as regularly, so I'll assume that's what you do.

Also yes I give blood twice a year, actually should be within the next couple of months, have done for the last 2 years.

yeah your right he does

Yes. The figure is actually a slight cheat: in days of yore you used to get four credits if you did a "dual", that is, a needle in each arm (one flow, one return), but that was abandoned about five years ago. That credit is for 17 whole blood, plus about twelve years of platelet donations. For a few years I was going every two weeks, but that gave me anaemia so I had to go to every four weeks.

I registered as a donor a few months ago but never actually got around to donating. I tried to book an appointment and they told me there would be a month or two wait so I didn't bother. I have however booked myself in for an appointment on Tuesday.

I think, being born with an O- blood type, it is my duty to donate ;)
I've done it for years. I always feel like I've done something good afterwards.

o- blood here so if I stop they'll send guys round to get me!!!!!
Gonna go give next week, will be my first time, tried twice before but never managed it, they had to write to my doctor to check if I'm ok to do it. Might look into platelet donation as well.
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