Just got nicked

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
43 in a 30

first offense so got 3 more points and another year and 5 months before i can get any more than that

Eek, better be extra careful now then :)

You can't really complain though, I did the same also but I survived :) Good luck :D
TripleT said:
Eek, better be extra careful now then :)

You can't really complain though, I did the same also but I survived :) Good luck :D

na not complaining was entirely me own fault just gotta get the fine etc. sorted out now.
Yer big bummer :(

I've just had 2weeks of worrying over a possible speeding ticket I may have picked up on the motorway. Luckily I've escaped :D
TripleT said:
Yer big bummer :(

I've just had 2weeks of worrying over a possible speeding ticket I may have picked up on the motorway. Luckily I've escaped :D
Here's a tip.

Slow down.
Nozzer said:
Here's a tip.

Slow down.

Here's another tip.

We know the limit is there for a reason, we know that when we get caught we can expect a fine and points. Saying "Slow down" is a bit like telling a kid not to eat that entire chocolate cake in one session - it's good advice, but it won't be heeded :)
Sp00n said:
If no one says it, no one will hear it and no one will ever learn.

Point out to me an example of someone on this forum taking heed of people saying "Slow down" :) I know I haven't yet, and I know many other people who haven't as well.
Im fairly sure i've been done today, that'll be 9 points then :rolleyes:

was 40 in a 30 but its pretty unlikely i got away with it, didnt see them cos i was on the inside lane of a dual carrigeway and there were a few cars blocking my view, theirs too probably. sped up a little to allow me to get into a gap ahead ready to turn off and i get in front of these cars to see the bloody van about 30m in front of me.. oh yeah they got me.. they got me good dammit!! nnnggaarrrrrggghhhhhhh

maybe id be less annoyed if i felt punished.. but wheres the punishment.. wheres the reeducation.. you get a faceless piece of paper saying pay £x and we'll knock off a few points.. do i feel guilty.. not in the slightest but then im not given the impression that they actually give a crap that i was going too fast, they just want my cash. im sure there are some goodie goodies that probably say that these cameras are to save lives.. as if.. they do no such thing.. how can you have respect for law enforcement when your not given the slightest impression the police/councils/.gov are bothered that speed limit was broken.
DannyDan said:
What were you got by? Following policeman?

bloody car was at the end of a long turn so by the time u went round it the dude was standing there with his gun pointing straight at me

its a common road where people speed though, he had 4 other people going through the motions.

what was that nevermind? pay £x and they take the points off?
Nozzer said:
Here's a tip.

Slow down.

Nah thanks, I don't believe doing 85mph on an near-empty motorway in clear conditions on a sunny sunday afternoon to be dangerous :)

Besides, I've been driving 6 years now and my licence cleared, so can afford to get points ;)

But lets not turn this into one of THOSE arguments.. I mean threads. The guy knows he did wrong and I'm very sure he's going to learn from it (god knows I did). He merely came on here to tell us not "FFS HOW CAN I GET OUT OF IT?!?!?!/1" for once.

JRS said:
Point out to me an example of someone on this forum taking heed of people saying "Slow down" :) I know I haven't yet, and I know many other people who haven't as well.

Haha I clearly just didn't :o
TripleT said:
Nah thanks, I don't believe doing 85mph on an near-empty motorway in clear conditions on a sunny sunday afternoon to be dangerous :)
Neither do I, but if you passed a police car/van at 85, you weren't paying attention.
On a bridge round a curve? (motorway curve with trees either side) I saw it as soon as it came into vision, but my understanding was that if you've seen it then it's already too late? Maybe as I was in the inside lane it wasn't targetting me? Who knows, more to the point - I don't care now :D
TripleT said:
On a bridge round a curve? (motorway curve with trees either side) I saw it as soon as it came into vision, but my understanding was that if you've seen it then it's already too late? Maybe as I was in the inside lane it wasn't targetting me? Who knows, more to the point - I don't care now :D
On the M61?

Theres a bridge slightly downhill on a left handed curve where i saw someone pulled the other evening, there is a nice straight stretch before there where its possible to go rather quick on if you so wished..
Unlucky mate, I got clocked in my first 3 months of driving by an unmarked van whilst doing 40 in a 30 but haven't got caught again since then and it's coming up to 2 years and a half of driving. Although I thought I got caught last night, I wasn't concentrating and was doing 50 in a 40 and then suddenly saw the speed camera lines in the road as I was actually on them so slammed on the brakes whilst on the lines and got to about 45, thankfully the camera didn't go off, I owe someone for that one lol
Sirrel Squirrel said:
Unlucky mate, I got clocked in my first 3 months of driving by an unmarked van whilst doing 40 in a 30 but haven't got caught again since then and it's coming up to 2 years and a half of driving. Although I thought I got caught last night, I wasn't concentrating and was doing 50 in a 40 and then suddenly saw the speed camera lines in the road as I was actually on them so slammed on the brakes whilst on the lines and got to about 45, thankfully the camera didn't go off, I owe someone for that one lol

Lucky there me thinks. Sirrel you no what my parents are like, i came down and told mum this morning she simply said "I'm not surprised" and then she started laughing. haven't told dad yet....gulp. But apparently you have the right to see the calibration ticket for the speed gun they were using if they can't produce one then the offense isnt valid as it could be inacurate.

worth a shot :)
Phate said:
na not complaining was entirely me own fault just gotta get the fine etc. sorted out now.
Least you are taking it on the chin like a man, which is commendable in this day and age! :)
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