**Just In** Dell Ultrasharp U3011 30" - In stock now

Looks like some of you need a reminder about the rules here...

No medical threads!


Want! Bit pointless though when I'm still using VGA! :D
Still waiting for an IPS panel that can do the same 2560 res but in a 40-50" screen. How long is it taking? 'Till then I will just have to soldier on with my projector running 2500x2000 dpi on a 14" screen :p The tubes are starting to go soft now and I can't find replacements so I hope its going to be soon :(
Anyone who bought this monitor wish to offer a mini review to prospective buyers? :D

I just went from a FPW3007 to a U3011.

The 3007 suffered from having very little adjustability on its single source. I have played around on the colour settings on the U3011 and it's very good, the colours on analogue video capture, DV and AVCHD actually look right (it makes editing video much easier).

As for the quality of the output the picture is much more consistent across the screen.

If you have already got a 30' monitor you may want to think twice but if not and you don't mind the down sides (costs and having to move your head more :D) then you are unlikely to be disappointed.
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