Just ordered WOW...

6 Feb 2006
Was just looking for some advice on starting off, a few of my m8s currently play as horde, can’t remember what server but as I want to play with them I will be joining the horde. I’ve been reading up on the classes and narrowed it down to a shaman or a druid, I like the idea of being able to play different roles, although from what I have heard both classes take quite a bit of practice to use effectively.

What do you guys think? And any other general tips to help me get started such as what skill to take on like skinning or alchemy etc..

Thanks in advance.
Druid for a first time char, definately. I picked the druid as my first char and as the horde side you will see the game from all perspectives. And to be honest, the game looks much better from the eyes of a druid.

I don't really play on him any more, I rerolled a warlock which is basically "pwnage mode" and there's not much I can't kill, as long as I don't get epic'd up 2-shot warriors. But they're not that hard with the right pet out.

But, I think if I started something powerful like a mage or warlock as my first char, they're too easy and I would have got bored of the game pretty fast, plus they can't heal.

I've actually started playing on the druid again at 60 and I forgot how fun it was, they do a lot more damage now than they did when I first got him to 60 (they've been buffed slightly in various past patches).

They still need some work imo, but they're fun all the same.
lol its a good game the best server I think is dunemaul as it has the best community + forum but dont know if i can say the website on here! :p
My social life is gone, I have spent all week playing it, already a level 14 warlock and a level 10 warrior :D
I'd recommend trying a few different classes before settling on one, but make sure you take them to at least level 10, as until then you won't be seeing much of what the class is actually like.
I personally prefer my druid to my shaman, however, my main characters are a mage and a priest as they are much more specific. After a while I got irritated not really being good at anything.
Some people will tell you to try a few different classes, but I got lucky! My Paladin was the first char I ever made and it's still my main today.

I only have one other character that is a 51 Priest, never play it though as I love my Pally too much.

As to you question, Druid if you want a main healing end game role and Shaman if you want to own in PvP.
If you are planning on taking a druid right through to level 60 and then raiding be warned that SOME guilds will demand you to be a heal-bot and not let you be feral. To be honest any guild that demands it is not worth joining but its a consideration as it may cut down your opportunites.

Ive not made a druid myself im just relaying what i know from a friend.

My main is a rogue and played well they can be very self sufficiant and you can easilty get to 60soloing. With the new rogue stuff coming soon we shall see what happens.

Im currently making myself a shadow priest ( seems very popular at the moment since the priest changes ).
Tommy D said:
Shaman if you want to own in PvP.

ive just gone from mainly resto shaman to an elemental, with 31 talent points spent in that tree

here is my talents. Having elemental mastery is excellent tbh, it crits on all 3 hits on chain lightning, atm i do about 1200, 700 and 500dmg with that so about 2400 with a free spell not bad. all i do now in pvp really well in av is just spam lightning bolts works really well. im still an ok healer as well as ive spent talent points in that area but shamans are amazing at pvp.

as standard you have a 10% crit like that with lightning spells, but with intellect that goes up. not sure by how much though.
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fdxd said:
There is a lot after level 60 but get a good guild.
If you're going to start, get a good guild or some good friends to play with. Playing alone sucks and you'll go nowhere fast sitting waiting for groups.

That's what killed it for me - wait 1 hour for a rubbish group or hit 50Klicks in under 5 mins; no contest.

Some people would also say the game only starts at lv60 with all the endgame content etc. there is to do.
sorry for the thread hijack but just a quick question.

I'm thinking about getting WoW but i'm very worried about the dependance on having a good guild.

Does the game depend even more on other players than games such as guild wars?

Can someone who doesn't play (i think someone said 16 hours a day) still obtain good armour?


Is it anything like Blizzard's Diablo on a massive scale?

Thanks :)
Phalanx said:
sorry for the thread hijack but just a quick question.

I'm thinking about getting WoW but i'm very worried about the dependance on having a good guild.

Does the game depend even more on other players than games such as guild wars?

Can someone who doesn't play (i think someone said 16 hours a day) still obtain good armour?


Is it anything like Blizzard's Diablo on a massive scale?

Thanks :)

um never played diablo so i dont know

yes there is a large dependance on having a good guild or just a friendly guild

playing 16hours a day is complete tosh, i a couple of hours a day on 'average' (obviosly 5hr run in mc takes a while) but more you play *** faster you will get that gear

the most fun in wow for me is learning everything, for example with my friends and stranger going to lvl60 then with my guild learning molten core and other instances

but there is time dependance on wow with the new conten being released which is sad though :( but you need to progres to that point
Phalanx said:
Does the game depend even more on other players than games such as guild wars?

I haven't played guild wars but when you reach level 60 you need a guild to do the proper end-game stuff, a good guild at that. You can PvP by yourself but anything except the first level 60 instances and PvP'in requires a guild. Even if you PvP, outside of the AV (a type of battleground) you'll likely face guilded PvP groups even then (Basically you get owned the majority of the time). So to sum up, no until level 60 then once you reach 60, the game pretty much evolves around the guild.

Can someone who doesn't play (i think someone said 16 hours a day) still obtain good armour?

Depends what you regard as good but yeah you can basically.


Is it anything like Blizzard's Diablo on a massive scale?

Sorry I don't know, ain't played it mate :)
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