Just ordered WOW...

oh by the way, the 16hours a day comment come from *** amount of time need to get the BEST pvp gear available which is rank 14, upto rank 11 it is no nearly that time consuming
Its not that timeconsuming anyway, it can be the SAME number of hours, you just need to play over a much longer period of time (in my understanding).

I do like the bonus XP thingy though when you're logged out for a while :)
To the OP this will probably be the most important advise you'll ever get regarding WoW.....

Warriors > all :p
druids are indeed amazing fun.

my lvl 60 is in a good guild and we making good progress through bwl atm.

and i'm a guild that allows me to be feral if the situation and overall raid class balance allows.

i'm specced total feral but still have a good set of healing gear if needed.
I personally Love my warrior which recently hit 60 :) great fun end game and you can pick and choose your groups quite effectively if you get a good name as a tank.

I have ... Five ... Druids ... two PVP one feral one resto, two PVE one feral one resto and a level four horde ... don't ask me why (he's a bank now)

Highest druid is 52, others are between that and 25 except bank boy.

Druids are a lot of fun to play, but I love tanking more than anything else so they ain't getting the attention they deserve.
Yeah in a brilliant end game raiding guild atm, which has just killed the first boss in Naxxramas the new instance and going for a our second boss kill tonight :).
druids are fun but only if very well equipped, the rest of the time they are ok at everything but not good. shamans are there in abundance, on every server, there will be lots of others to compete against to get in to a good guild. On average i'd say wanted classes are:

priest (dwarf)

but the real advice is, play whatever you feel like playing, there will always be room somewhere for your class.
richyfingers said:
Alchemy and Herb gathering a good trade to go for with the druid?

Yar, much money to be made, but the most fun for me was mining/engineering

druids with gadgets F T W!
Anim said:
druids are fun but only if very well equipped, the rest of the time they are ok at everything but not good. shamans are there in abundance, on every server, there will be lots of others to compete against to get in to a good guild. On average i'd say wanted classes are:

priest (dwarf)

but the real advice is, play whatever you feel like playing, there will always be room somewhere for your class.

Classes needed vary from server to server.
you can say that, but i can assure you thats the average across the majority, there just are simply more shamans and rogues than priests, at high end anyway.
Question one

I have been on the trial and have raised my Warlock to level 17. I wish to buy the game now as I absolutely love it, but I wish to keep the account, can I keep my char?

Question two

I discovered battlegrounds last night in ironforge, really fun but I was waiting for nearly 2 hours to go into a battle, do you have to be in ironforge or can you do other things whilst waiting for the battle to start?
1. yes you can keep the character, when you have bought the full game, go onto account management on the eu wow site, and somewhere it will mention about entering a cd key or upgrading to the full game.

2. yes you can go and do other things, just enter the que then go do what you like
I just started playing WOW (trial) and now I know why I love EVE
not 10 mins into the game and I've had THREE people be abusive to me, no-one wants to help a noob and the only contact I've had in game has been rather un frendly.
back to EVE now, no more WOW
VeNT said:
I just started playing WOW (trial) and now I know why I love EVE
not 10 mins into the game and I've had THREE people be abusive to me, no-one wants to help a noob and the only contact I've had in game has been rather un frendly.
back to EVE now, no more WOW

Hardly a worthy trial of the biggest played game in the world. I can't believe you see 10mins play and contact with a couple of idiots as an impression of the whole game.

I'd suggest playing a character to at least level 20 and join a guild asap for the support you are looking for. There are plenty of servers to choose from. If you don't get on with one, then try another. There are quite a few players from these very forums, so why not join a server that some of us use?
Lee2k4 said:
Question one

I have been on the trial and have raised my Warlock to level 17. I wish to buy the game now as I absolutely love it, but I wish to keep the account, can I keep my char?

Question two

I discovered battlegrounds last night in ironforge, really fun but I was waiting for nearly 2 hours to go into a battle, do you have to be in ironforge or can you do other things whilst waiting for the battle to start?

1. I think you can, i heard you go into account management and upgrade it with the cd-key.

2. Yes they are fun but for the lower levels on most servers not many of them are up due to having to have people from both factions signing up. You will be able to go in them all the time when 60. But if you do fancy doing them at your level then the best thing to do is sign up and go level while you wait to get in.
VeNT said:
I just started playing WOW (trial) and now I know why I love EVE
not 10 mins into the game and I've had THREE people be abusive to me, no-one wants to help a noob and the only contact I've had in game has been rather un frendly.
back to EVE now, no more WOW

Hardly warrants not playing it again. I have to admit, there are quite a few plebs in wow but the majority are helpful. Just make sure you ignore the people who are abusive and if they carry on doing so report them via a gm ticket explaining what they have done and so on.
To be fair I think VeNT sums up the newbie areas of WoW quite well, which is why I'm usually in such a rush to get out of them as soon as possible. For example, I had one guy who I grouped with at the start but I /ignored him for being abussive to other players and generally being an idiot/ninja looter. He keeps creating new characters asking me to un-ignore him and trying to get me to group with them even though I'm now 38th level, at least until I threatned to get a GM onto him for harassment. That's probably been my worst experience in the games community.

My favourite part of WoW is when you start getting into places like Wailing Caverns and start getting out of The Barrens into areas where fewer "kids" are found (I mostly play Horde). A good guild is definately a must I think to keep any interest in the game when you're feeling bored.
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