Just ordered WOW...

VeNT said:
I just started playing WOW (trial) and now I know why I love EVE
not 10 mins into the game and I've had THREE people be abusive to me, no-one wants to help a noob and the only contact I've had in game has been rather un frendly.
back to EVE now, no more WOW

I'm an EVE refugee aswell (Beta 6-present) and have stopped playing EVE as I'm enjoying WoW that much.

Can't speak for every server but I'm on the Draenor server and am in a great guild that I joined a couple of days after christmas as a lvl 6 char.

If you fancy giving it another go then come on draenor and look for guys in a guild called Rom Oter ;)
VeNT said:
I just started playing WOW (trial) and now I know why I love EVE
not 10 mins into the game and I've had THREE people be abusive to me, no-one wants to help a noob and the only contact I've had in game has been rather un frendly.
back to EVE now, no more WOW

Well I started 2 new characters on a new server with lots of other newbs and everyone I met was helpful and it was a blast. I say try a different server and once you meet a few decent people, get them on your friends list and you are sorted.

In 7 months of playing WOW previously - it has been very rare to be harassed or spammed etc. Just have to find the good guys.

Edit - one thing to remember though is that on new servers there are a lot of rerollers that have already been 60 numerous times and they all want to grind to lvl 60 asap and will not group unless they have to etc.
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