Just Ordered Wrestlemania 28!!! NEED HELP!

Sorry but wrestling was huge back in MY day - Hogan, Undertaker, etc. You're 19 so we can hardly call you an oldie, back in the day lol...wait until you're well into your 30's then you can talk about back in the day :p

Oh god i remember, The Ultimate Warrior and the way he would shake the ropes in a last minute comeback? :D

It's all pure theater and for kids really. But if adults enjoy it too then that's cool. I mean I'm not one to talk i still watch some kids programmes
The Undertaker's still going, you know.

I went through a phase of watching WWF for some mindless entertainment. The Undertaker's storylines were always worth a chuckle. Especially back in Paul Bearer's day :D
The Undertaker's still going, you know.

I went through a phase of watching WWF for some mindless entertainment. The Undertaker's storylines were always worth a chuckle. Especially back in Paul Bearer's day :D

I know he is, but he's not the same anymore, they completely changed his image and ruined it. I still remember being excited over the wrestlemania when the million dollar man has his own undertaker vs paul bearers undertaker and they were both identical, wonder what year that was.
Do you actually believe that it is a real fight and they haven't worked out what is going to happen?

Most TV shows and movies have predefined endings too, Doesnt stop them being entertaining to some.

Saying that I hate wrestling, liked it back in the undertaker, Hogan era. But grew out of it.

I just became more understanding with people who enjoy it when my friend Naomi admitted to liking it (An uber gorgeous 24 year old girl, who also knits and could probably drink most fellas I know under the table <3)
Wrestling died when dubya C dubya went.

A monopoly stopped the WWE having to really come up with storylines to match/beat out Nitro... infact probably at least the last 3-4 months of WCW were shocking (maybe more I cant recall).
I am looking forward to the entire event. I don't watch wrestling any more apart from wrestlemainia and I have a few friends coming round tomorrow night with some alcohol and we are going to order some food. I have all the previous wrestlemainias as well so we are going to watch some of the best matches from them before hand like we did last year.

The only match on the card I am not really looking forward to is the Divas match.
They're's nothing wrong with enjoying wrestling at any age. Blimey, back in the glory days of british wrestling, you couldn't get a seat in the front row for grannies.

I don't see it any different to soap opera's myself. In fact, it's better. At least wrestler's actually have a modicum of talent at something rather than 90% of soap actors.

As vintage says, Wrestlemania is not like normal wrestling anyway. It's become an event. A part of US culture if you will. Me and all my old mates, now in their 30's don't really watch wrestling, but always watch wrestlemania for the event and the blurry-eyed nostalgia it brings.
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I don't see it any different to soap opera's myself. In fact, it's better. At least wrestler's actually have a modicum of talent at something rather than 90% of soap actors.

Don't make me belt out a list of soap actress talents that have graced the likes of FHM, Zoo and Nuts. There's plenty of talent in soap operas.
cheets is talking out of his backside again.

Wrestlemania has ALWAYS been a pay-per-view event. So has Summerslam and Royal Rumble.

The weekly (now almost daily) shows are still on the normal sky sports packages.

BTW, Brett Hit Man Hart > *
I like WWE for the entertainment. Much like how I go to the cinema to watch something scripted where you know it will have a good ending, but nevertherless you still enjoy it. Haters will always hate.

Who I want to win: John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Team Teddy, Beth Pheonix and Eve, Chris Jericho, Sheamus, Triple H.

Looking forward mostly to the Spinaroonie from Booker T though!

Family couldn't afford Sky when I was growing up, so I missed the Attitude Era and had to make do with WCW on Five :p My favourite of all time is Goldberg. His entrances always give me goosebumps.
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When I was growing up in the mid-90's and early 2000 wrestling was awesome, pretty sad to see how far the standard has dropped both in diversity of the roster and the storylines. Even the company themselves can see this seeing as they have to keep resorting to bringing wrestlers from that era out of retirement in order to spice things up.
I know its all show, its like a action version of east enders, but todays wrestling is more talk then action, but slowley its coming back to the attitude era

That's fair enough then and I can understand the entertainment value you get from it.

It was your statement "I want the Rock to woop his candy" made it look like you believed it was a real fight when you obviously know it is staged.
They are obviously very fit blokes and know their art well.
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