Sounds like you need Perian (I think it's mentioned in the FAQ in the Apple Software forum)

nail... hammer... hehe

spot on dude. i must admit a quick google search after posting here sorted me out.

it seems everything for mac is dead easy... well for now anyways hehe.

its really annoying that i have to work today :(

thanks for the answer though!!

Soogs :D
so far so good. actually i think its the smoothest machine ive ever used... but i mean its still fresh with hardly anything on it and no clutter so give it a week and lets see if i can mash it hehe.... also once the mrs has time to meddle with it then ill give a proper report

one major problem though (i think) i cant seem to update os x to 10.5.6 (i think) and the java update doesnt work either... it says something like the packages cant be verified :(

i dont know what to do... i cant install ilife untill i get the latest update
What version are you currently running ? If 10.4 you will not be able to update to 10.5.x

I would wait for snow leopard if you have to pay for the upgrade as should not be too long now.
Am i the only one who reads Soogs's post really, really, fast? :p

Click the apple in the top right corner and click software update. That should grab all the updates you need!
Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard is installed... well thats what it was listed as when i bought it and im prety sure thats what it said in the apple menu when i checked hehe

10.5.4 is installed (i think) and im trying to get to 10.5.6 which is only update it has through the software update.

ill have to get home to confirm this but im prety sure im right about this.

@Logsi ;) thats the why i tried hehe
ok so i defo have 10.5.4 and it will not update to 10.5.6 :(

all it says is that the packages do not verify. also still cant install java update with the same error message
ok so i defo have 10.5.4 and it will not update to 10.5.6 :(

all it says is that the packages do not verify. also still cant install java update with the same error message

Maybe give the combo update a try. Search for the 10.5.6 Combo Update.
i managed to update in the end.

i found a manual update to 10.5.5 which worked first time round and then 10.5.6 seemed to install with no problem.

im still getting the java install problem though.

does anyone know how to change the volume via kb shortcut?
its annoying i bought a kvm yesterday and now the volume keys on my kb dont work for the mac :(

edit: ok so all updates are now installed and working fine :)

i think i will sell all my pcs now hehe
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i managed to update in the end.

i found a manual update to 10.5.5 which worked first time round and then 10.5.6 seemed to install with no problem.

im still getting the java install problem though.

does anyone know how to change the volume via kb shortcut?
its annoying i bought a kvm yesterday and now the volume keys on my kb dont work for the mac :(

Kvms are often very picky about what keystrokes they'll pass on. Special control keys often don't work.
Nuke and pave.

Rebuild from your supplied disc, install nothing except the combo update (download it manually rather than use software update) and then go from there. Something's not quite right and as it's a new system you may as well blat what you've got and go from a clean build.
all is fine now. ive just spent about an hour deleting all the useless language files hehe RSI!!!!

all updates work fine and im loving this thing more and more... even my printer works with it :D

also i found a way around the volume key problem.... use the mini remote :D
Pictures. Now.

just need to tidy up a tad first ;)

the place is a mess... i mean really. i got cables left right and centre :s i should have some up for tomrrow though.

just a quick question now that i think of it.... is it safe to use this thing like all day? i dont wanna kill it :rolleyes:
ok ok tomorrow i promiss... havent had time to tidy up :(

also my kb died on me last night :(

time to buy a new one hehe
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