Just Started WoW!

I hope you're on a less mature realm. Reactivated my level 19 Orc Shaman which I started last summer (on the same realm as several friends) only to find a wretched hive of twinks and level 60s. It's a very lonely place for a none-twink/alt!
Wang Computer said:
I hope you're on a less mature realm. Reactivated my level 19 Orc Shaman which I started last summer (on the same realm as several friends) only to find a wretched hive of twinks and level 60s. It's a very lonely place for a none-twink/alt!
I've been playing for jsut over a week and still have no clue what some of it means, what's this twinks business?
I played the 10 day trial on off for 3/4 days, didn't get hooked at all. To be honest, I don't see anything special in it. In my opinion ofcourse :)
partycan said:
I've been playing for jsut over a week and still have no clue what some of it means, what's this twinks business?

basically some ppl level alt's to only level 19 and then get the best gear possible on that level of charecter, then they use enchants that you would only expect to use on lvl 60 items, +100hp, +9 stam, crusader enchant etc.

then they just use the chars for low level pvp in BG.
ok i will be starting up soon WOW, id like to join some OCUKers on it if possible.

which patch do i need, the very latest full one?
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I haven't played for about 6 months cos I've been away on "holiday" in the east. I played almost every day and got completely hooked, the wife was a WoW widow!! Gonna wait a couple of weeks cos I think PC Gamer/PC Zone are giving a 14 day freebie soon. If I like it I'll probable go back to my lvl 37 druid cos I missed all the changes they brought out for that.
Been playing for a couple of weeks now and although I am enjoying it, I don’t think it’s THAT good, certainly hasn’t taken my life over. In fact I find it quite boring at times, kill 10 of these, kill 12 of these, take this here etc etc.
naffa said:
EDIT: Fair enough.. But I just don't like the idea of this game :( it consumes people and they pay for it...
It consumes people if they allow it to, the same as any hobby they enjoy. Matter of willpower imo.
i WAS going to P2P this game after the 8day trial, somebody told me since i did the trail i dont have to buy the game, it just carries on with p2ping..... ive found out i actually have to buy the game and then p2p even though i already have it. I should have realised this from the start....bummer :(
im up to 37 now and it hasnt consumed me at all, i can spend the whole day at work without thinking about it no problem
a twink is where someone already has a 60 then makes a new character and gives them the best of everything
anyone here on kul tiras?
I have a warlock on the Silvermoon server. The first 18 levels were slow. Then I met up with 2 good levelling buddies from the UK and the remaining 48 levels were quite rapid. It took me from Jan 2006 to May 2006 to do the 60 levels.

I joined a raiding guild last month. The best bet is to choose a guild that lets you choose how often you raid. If you're compulsively addicted, then you raid every day. With me, I tend to do Onxyia on Mondays (takes about 1hr 30 min), Zul'Garrab on Saturdays (takes about 3 hrs, before I got out clubbing) and sometimes, Molten Core on Fridays (4 hrs).

Still, I go clubbing 1-2 per month and the pub 1-2 per week.

I must say that WOW is addicted for me not because of the raiding but for the penfriends / acquaintances that I have managed to get.
im on the venture co and burning blade

main char is a level 53 tauren warrior on venture co

and main on burning blade is a level 27 night elf rogue lol

got a few alts but highest is like 12 :p
Neon said:
Just started wow! Eeeeek!

Chose a hunter... Night Elve... is ok i have friends who play it a bit slow to start off been playing 2 hrs or so and i am lvl 7... i like it will be better when i understand it a bit more though.

any tips or tricks advice?


Take Skinning/Leatherworking as your professions as it'll be easier to make money for your mount at 40th level. Alternatively take herbalism/skinning just to gather the items and sell in auction house or at the vendor. Once you've got your mount you can then choose your main profession and work to get that skill up.
kicks66 said:
im up to 37 now and it hasnt consumed me at all, i can spend the whole day at work without thinking about it no problem
a twink is where someone already has a 60 then makes a new character and gives them the best of everything
anyone here on kul tiras?

im in a guild called Night Swarm, on kul tiras player name Tegdag (GADGET) backwards :D
i got to lv 60 with no trouble.

just dont do it in busy places.

game requires a lot of time investment even at 60 though, you cant pop in and out like in an FPS like BF2
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