Just wanted to say thanks

Yes real life has a way of taking over everything! I snapped my achilles tendon last year, spent 8 weeks in various casts. Couldn't drive so I was stuck in the house Monday to Friday, not fun!
Raymond got stitched up big time by some certain mods on here. and other users have blatantly ignored the recent rules and yet somehow get away with it?

There is zero sense of neutrality on the issue - and that's the most frustrating thing.
the forums cool in general but somehow the photography section has lost any spirit it once had.
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Whatever happened to Mr.Jones? I miss his hilarious self portraits (iron man anyone?) :(

Work\real life I think. I notice he put his 5D2 and 24-70L up for sale recently. I think he got more into Weddings etc. and it seems once people get involved more in photography in that manner they stop posting in here (ScarySquirrel, Admau5, Pahte, etc.).

Raymond got stitched up big time by some certain mods on here. and other users have blatantly ignored the recent rules and yet somehow get away with it?

There is zero sense of neutrality on the issue - and that's the most frustrating thing.
the forums cool in general but somehow the photography section has lost any spirit it once had.

This sub forum doesn't generally need active moderation as it's well behaved, that's I imagine why we got away with it for so long. Due to this history in the forum the way the rules were finally enforced was way over the top imho, it could've been handled so much better. If you see something that shouldn't be there, report the post to moderator?
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