Just watched the worst film in history :(

Try Jason X on channel 4 last night (6th Jan). Truly awful and uninspiring and some really cheesy, cheesy lines. Cornier than corn on the cob.
penski said:
Worst film ever has to be [snip!] any/all of the Matrix films
Too true, the first was such utter garbage I couldn't bring myself to watch the sequels. No doubt The_Morrell will shout at me for this, following our 'discussion' of the film last year! ;):p
What a load of crap this thread is ;), the worst fim ever is quite obviously "The Cutting edge" followed closely by "Father of the bride 2" with "Bringing down the house" in third place.

I know my crap films my wife has the worst taste in films in the world.

Why do you think i spend so much time...................................out and about.
Eliot said:
ummmmmm worst film ever = eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
:( I love that film.

Gerry has to be the worst film I've ever seen, but apparently IMDb disagrees with me. So incredibly slow its painful, and almost no development in the entire film.
I'm afraid you're all wrong.

The worst film ever made has to be - The Hulk.
What a load of crap that was - the worst film I've ever seen by a long way.

Stan :)
The Cube is fascinating, and surely the story is hidden between the video frames!

If you fast forwarded through most of the film, you would have missed it.

It's made sense to why my local council has spent a huge amount of money on a massive LCD at the end of the High Street and how the Holocaust came to be. But hey, perhaps it's just me.........
Dungeons and dragons - not once did I see dice, any kind of to hit table, no lists of 'learned' spells

they don't even bother ressing the thief that dies, I mean losing one constitution or death ... seriously, they were a bad bad party to be adventuring with if they won't even drag your corpse to a priest and shell out a couple hundred gold :\

I'm not even mentioning the mage ...
So no -one has watched that pimp-my-ride-gangsta-rapping-secret-agent-load-of-tripe that is XXX- The Next Level?

Never so much have I wanted to burn my eyes out and puncture my eardrums.

Twentieth Century Fox or whoever the **** made it - I want my life back.

Remember next time a big international incident goes down, pimped SUV's are the answer.

This "review" is all you need:

I walked out after the first 40 mins. It was just too much to take. I have a very high tolerance for "bad" films(I really dug the first xXx) and have only walked out three time before (Dungeons and Dragons, Bad Company, and The Musketeer). This ego driven piece of garbage was just intolerable. Every time Ice Cube (a man I quite like) mugged for the camera I cringed. And Willem Dafoe is SHAMELESS. After 40mins of excruciating dialogue and NO PLOT I had to leave. I'm sure this movie is about something and there's some cool stunts, I just wasn't about to waste the rest of my evening in hopes that the film got better.

So to be fair I can't really give this a review but I can say that life is short and sometimes we just gotta put our foot down and not take the crap the studios are feeding us. Because this was clearly a movie made on autopilot. Boo!
Looks like XXX The Next Level is best off avoiding, the first one was a bit too much anyway so I didnt have high hopes for the 2nd, I quite like Ice Cube though, the Friday series were pretty good.

The general feeling from the thread is that one mans "bad film" is the next mans "classic", and the thing I find quite funny is that just because I didnt like one film where you have to think (yes I did get the point of cube) then im apparently a single minded action fan who cant handle thinking during a film.

There are plenty of "no action" films out that I have seen and have enjoyed and a lot of films I own are low budget dvds. eg Blue Crush, Blair Witch and many others.

The thing I didnt like about Cube was the weak unbelievable acting, same scenes, boring traps and no amount of thinking was going to make that a good film in my opinion.
Bigstan said:
I'm afraid you're all wrong.

The worst film ever made has to be - The Hulk.
What a load of crap that was - the worst film I've ever seen by a long way.

Stan :)
I have to agree that it was awful. The absolute worst of the comics-made-movies that I have seen. But I still can't say it was the worst overall.

"Escanaba in Da Moonlight" was by far the biggest waste of time I have encountered. I'm not one to walk out on a movie because there has to be something of value in everything. That logic proved wrong with this one. :(
I'm amazed that no ones mentioned Titanic. Not the worse film of all time per sé, but certainly the most over hyped. I cannot for the life of me understand how it won so many Oscars :eek:
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dagwoood said:
I'm amazed that no ones mentioned Titanic. Not the worse file of all time per sé, but certainly the most over hyped. I cannot for the life of me understand how it won so many Oscars :eek:
Kate Winslet nekkid. Good enough for me. :D
Talking of worst films ever, I cant believe no mention of "Space Jam" with Michael Jordan now that was bad !

What about other greats such as Will Smith in "Ali" which is still to this day the only film I've walked out of the cinema before it finished absolutely terrible :(
Yebraw said:
What about other greats such as Will Smith in "Ali" which is still to this day the only film I've walked out of the cinema before it finished absolutely terrible :(

I haven't seen Ali but i'd heard it was meant to be quite good?
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