
25 Jul 2010
A house
Its a very interesting read.


Thanks spoffle for the edited image.
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That last line has destroyed me :( I mean, I know SW:Battlefront 3 is going to be a mess, but leaving out space battles!! AND no clone wars era? SO no Xwings etc.. Ahh dear :( I had an ever so tiny bit of hope that it wouldn't be as bad as feared, but now it's just confirmed as a Battlefield skin.. How DARE they even use the name Battlefront, it's nothing at all to do with the series

You know what, **** you EA, **** you
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Nothing will ever change. People will still blindly lap up their **** marketing, and keep the pre-orders rolling in.
It's 2015 FFS, stop pre-ordering games, for the love of god...
Fair play some of them are pretty bad but half of them aren't even that bad. They make a Command and Conquer FPS?? How Dare they? Also do you think that they close down studios just to spite everyone else? As other poster mentioned BF3 was an absolute mess on release and should be on the list.
I think from reading that they bought up the studios and shut them down to halt any competition. It really is terrible all the decent games/series that have died at their hand.

EA and Ubisoft for that matter really are bad for the industry.

Also, Battlefield Hard Line deserves to be on there too, its essentially a mod at £60-90...
:o I don't know how and its not my image.

- Save image on your machine
- Open in Paint
- Strike out swear words and save
- Re-upload to host site
- Paste link on OCUK.

Can I be any more clearer? :D
Seriously if Dirty Jester sees it, he'll ban you and he hands them out like sweets at a children's party. Don't say we didn't warn you. :p
It's just another day at EA, this is normal! I'm fairly sure when it comes to the release of a game they sit down and go right, how can we **** this one up?
looks a bit butthurt person with a vindictive personality who made it.

people don't realize how big they are ! they cant afford to fail.at some point they will fail though as all big companies do.
looks a bit butthurt person with a vindictive personality who made it.

people don't realize how big they are ! they cant afford to fail.at some point they will fail though as all big companies do.

I think it looks more like a fairly accurate series of events that have culminated in EA being one of the most hated entities in gaming. A title that they more than deserve.
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