I still buy some though, BF3 + BF4 so I guess I'm a hypocrite. But like I've said, their multiplayer is in the same style as every single other (ok most) multiplayer titles before it, just shows that they're not really doing anything new, which is what gamers want.
With me it's just the capitalization and profit before anything else, that has kinda ruined it all.
I remember back in the late 90s early 2000s loving the 'Ea games, It's in the game'.. They had great things, now it's all upside down, and them destroying game series which I think is where all the upset comes from, and now turning the game industry into Rich = win Poor = Lose, badly..
They've gone in a horrible direction, just like ID have. Ok ID haven't been as bad, but come on we've all felt the massive disappointment and let down from developers we once worshipped..
Ea just want to make you broke in the process. You spend £40 you will suffer, you spend £60 you will dominate and destroy all those with lower budgets than you, how is that fair for all?