Justice done?



24 Nov 2008
Seems like a perfectly reasonable sentence to me, given their ages.

A few years in secure care away from the influences that lead to them acting like that, at such a critical point in their lives has every chance of making them properly productive members of society. any longer would ruin those chances, and cost society in the long run.

So you are saying that being in prison takes them away from bad influences?? As in prison builds character sort of way?

They killed a person who was not to blame for anything. Where is the justice for the victims family? Or is it that suddenly custodial sentences look only at rehabilitation without retribution for the victim? A sentence needs to be retribution-punishment-rehabilitation, all three and in that order. As the perpetrator you have an obligation to satisfy the victim or victim's family FIRST before you get your chance at freedom.
12 Dec 2003
Seems like a perfectly reasonable sentence to me, given their ages.

A few years in secure care away from the influences that lead to them acting like that, at such a critical point in their lives has every chance of making them properly productive members of society. any longer would ruin those chances, and cost society in the long run.

So they are allowed a second chance?

What about the law abiding bloke they just murdered, does he get a second chance?

Just seen that they've actually been found guilty of manslaughter. Lucky *****. It's murder really in my eyes, and that of many others, they certainly meant the guy harm, otherwise they would have left him alone and he wouldn't have had his life ended prematurely.
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5 Jun 2010
Well let's wait until all the facts in before we pass judgment on these lads. Doesn't look like they meant to kill him, they were just having a laugh. Boys will be boys. I'm sure we've all done silly stuff like that when we were kids. Is it really fair to ruin two boys lifes because of a freak accident from this old man having dodgy health?

I think you are wrong, yes we all may have played pranks but I would bet the majority of people on here would not consider "happy slapping" as a prank.

I find the "boys will be boys" pretty distasteful to be honest when a man has died.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Well let's wait until all the facts in before we pass judgment on these lads. Doesn't look like they meant to kill him, they were just having a laugh. Boys will be boys. I'm sure we've all done silly stuff like that when we were kids. Is it really fair to ruin two boys lifes because of a freak accident from this old man having dodgy health?

I dont know about anyone else, but I certainly didnt go around randomly hitting strangers as a kid just "for a laugh". Fair? Seriously...fair? Is it fair that someones father is dead because of what they did? Is it fair that the 3 year old kid had to witness it because of what they did? They gave up their rights to fair when they decided (not for the first time) to attack random strangers in the street.
24 Sep 2008
Well let's wait until all the facts in before we pass judgment on these lads. Doesn't look like they meant to kill him, they were just having a laugh. Boys will be boys. I'm sure we've all done silly stuff like that when we were kids. Is it really fair to ruin two boys lifes because of a freak accident from this old man having dodgy health?


I'm deeply saddened by the video footaged, that poor child! :(
5 Jun 2010
Seems like a perfectly reasonable sentence to me, given their ages.

A few years in secure care away from the influences that lead to them acting like that, at such a critical point in their lives has every chance of making them properly productive members of society. any longer would ruin those chances, and cost society in the long run.

Do you think locking them away with people of a similar ilk will help?



24 Nov 2008
Well let's wait until all the facts in before we pass judgment on these lads. Doesn't look like they meant to kill him, they were just having a laugh. Boys will be boys. I'm sure we've all done silly stuff like that when we were kids. Is it really fair to ruin two boys lifes because of a freak accident from this old man having dodgy health?

Are you trolling or what? I have never attacked anyone on the street, even when provoked when I was a teenager or older. I have never met anyone who has behaved in such a way.

On top of that, they were found to have attacked people in similar incidents 6 more times based on mobile phone video evidence. Surely it was just a matter of time before things escalated as it wasn't a one-off mistake or mishap, it was their recreation.

Are you seriously suggesting that if your father gets beaten up by two teenagers in the street he/you should take it only as boys-will-be-boys? Incredible....

What dodgy health by the way? he died because of brain damage as he knocked his head on the pavement due to their attack.

Nevermind, you ARE trolling.
10 Dec 2008
It's a very emotional bit of news and hard not to resort to 'mob justice' and say 'hand 'em high'.

Firstly as hard as it is we should remember they did not mean to kill him. They are kids that didn't think of the consequences of their actions. So it is, of course, manslaughter not murder.

Secondly I'm afraid to say I've done some fairly silly stuff in my time, for example driving in the middle of the night down an A road with no streetlights -- using no headlights(!), just hazard lights to see if I could do it . as my mates in the car were absolutely peeing themselves with laughter.

By fluke I didn't kill anyone and didn't even get arrested. I reckon 50% of the people in this country when growing up have done something fun bad mad that if the dice was against them would have caused accidental death ... but by luck just ended up being a funny naughty laugh :(
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11 May 2004
It shouldn't be a question of punishment, it should be about stopping it from happening again, and converting people who are of no benefit to society into productive and beneficial members.

Prison sentencing should have but 2 priorities in my eyes;

a) Protection of the public from the perpetrator for as long as necessary.
b) Rehabilitation.

Anything else, in my eyes, is revenge, not justice.

If these sentences fulfil both of these purposes, then I fully support them. As to whether they will or not, I don't really have the experience with rehabilitation to say, so I'm going to have to trust the judges judgement on this.
3 Apr 2007
It shouldn't be a question of punishment, it should be about stopping it from happening again, and converting people who are of no benefit to society into productive and beneficial members.

Prison sentencing should have but 2 priorities in my eyes;

a) Protection of the public from the perpetrator for as long as necessary.
b) Rehabilitation.

Anything else, in my eyes, is revenge, not justice.

If these sentences fulfil both of these purposes, then I fully support them. As to whether they will or not, I don't really have the experience with rehabilitation to say, so I'm going to have to trust the judges judgement on this.

I agree.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Secondly I'm afraid to say I've done some fairly silly stuff in my time, for example driving in the middle of the night down an A road with no streetlights -- using no headlights(!), just hazard lights to see if I could do it . as my mates in the car were absolutely peeing themselves with laughter.

By fluke I didn't kill anyone and didn't even get arrested. I reckon 50% of the people in this country when growing up have done something fun bad mad that if the dice was against them would have caused accidental death ... :(

I must be in the 50% who didnt then :)

I wonder how you would be feeling now if whilst acting like a total **** when you were doing that driving, you hit someone and killed them. Say a young pregnant mother? Wonder if your mates would have been peeing themselves with laughter then?



24 Nov 2008
It shouldn't be a question of punishment, it should be about stopping it from happening again, and converting people who are of no benefit to society into productive and beneficial members.

Prison sentencing should have but 2 priorities in my eyes;

a) Protection of the public from the perpetrator for as long as necessary.
b) Rehabilitation.

Anything else, in my eyes, is revenge, not justice.

If these sentences fulfil both of these purposes, then I fully support them. As to whether they will or not, I don't really have the experience with rehabilitation to say, so I'm going to have to trust the judges judgement on this.

Why not revenge be included in the sentencing/penalty? I don't see why not. In fact, I do believe that whenever we have targetted crime (i.e. murder as opposed to embezlement) retribution and satisfaction for the victim should take precedence over protection and rehabilitation.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
no white people were hurt so its all good.....

Now back to reality, if they show remorse for what they have done and actually learned that what they have done is horrific then a short sentence is for the best. If you believe in redemption and rehabilitation. However i doubt these boys will change.
14 Apr 2007
Its gotten to the stage where these things are barely even shocking any more. These ***** had video evidence of previous incidents and had carried out other attacks that night. Three and a half and four and a half years is a pathetic sentence.

The judge released their names as a deterrent to others? would a stiffer sentence not be a far more effective deterrent?

As a member of the victims family I think you'd seriously consider trading a similar chunk of your own life in exchange for their lives in three to four years time.
24 Sep 2008
It's just not fair these men are given a chance to rehabilitate after removing someones life. :( Wether they meant it or not they should not be given a 4 year slap on the wrist for killing someone.

That poor child and family! :(:(
10 Dec 2008
50% of people have done something that risked killing other people, are you being serious?

Yea I reckon so.

Remember 'driving over the speed limit' falls into that category .. if you were doing 48 in a 40 zone, and hit someone killing them - do you think 4 years banged up is not enough? Should we bang you up for 20 years?

Whats the difference. Both the 'speeder' and the 'slapper' expects no long term damage to anyone and have done it before with no big consequence .. so ..? .. answer - speeding is socially acceptable. Marvellous.
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5 Jun 2010
what do you suggest should be done.... keep them in a nice b+B for 3 years?

Look at the re offending rates for prison and child detention, it clearly doesn't work.

The problem is to suggest anything other than "lock em up and throw away the key" is instantly branded to liberal.
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