Kanye West is such an odd character. He comes across as absurdly arrogant BUT I actually think a lot of it is in humour and/or defiance. As in, his whole “I AM A GOD” is a blowing up of people saying he can’t be this or can’t be that and him responding with “oh really?!?”
I also quite liked that, apparently, after the fish sticks episode of South Park, he started dressing up exactly like how they made him look so that he could ‘own it’. He also referenced fish sticks a few times in his music, in a similar manner, to basically say “yep - and what?”
... beyond all the arrogance... there’s something cheeky and undefeatable about him that I find quite charming!
Edit - His music is also surprisingly jarring and weird... dare I say it, good? Completely not what I would have expected... I put on Yeezus for a laugh and was like “wtf is this”.