Kanye West running for President.

I always had the impression obama was pretty much a white guy.

I doubt he had much in common with most black voters apart from the colour of their skin

I'm probably wrong but it's like he was raised in a white area without the african culture

2 seconds of Googling...

It would be interesting if West setup his own 3rd party to see how many votes he takes from the other 2 parties.
He'll get the full Trump treatment by the pro-Democrat corporate media if he does run, all of their effort in promoting BLM and trying to paint Trump as a racist to scare black people into voting for them will have been for nothing.

It would be interesting if West setup his own 3rd party to see how many votes he takes from the other 2 parties.

He'll be running as an independent, reportedly. I look forward to seeing how the Democrats will try to stop blacks from voting for him.
He'll get the full Trump treatment by the pro-Democrat corporate media if he does run, all of their effort in promoting BLM and trying to paint Trump as a racist will have been for nothing.

He's a complete nut job. A narcissist of almost Trump like proportions. Marilyn Manson would be 1000x the POTUS he would be and I wouldn't want him as POTUS either.
I look forward to seeing how the Democrats will try to stop blacks from voting for him.

Kanye earlier told TMZ: "When you hear about slavery for 400 years... for 400 years? That sounds like a choice."


Do you think "black" people will just vote for him because he is African American? e: I feel that is what you have implied, anyway.

His fans may vote for him, his people at his sermons may vote for him but I doubt an entertainer such as himself has sufficient popularity within any community to cause a significant impact.

Kanye West is the 40th most popular rap & hiphop music artist and the 2nd most famous . Kanye West is described by fans as: Bold, Controversial, Great lyrics, A great performer and Arrogant.
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Looks like Kanye's desperate for attention again.

I look forward to seeing how the Democrats will try to stop blacks from voting for him.

They wont need to, he's a Trump supporter. Black voters will avoid him like the plague.
Kanye West is such an odd character. He comes across as absurdly arrogant BUT I actually think a lot of it is in humour and/or defiance. As in, his whole “I AM A GOD” is a blowing up of people saying he can’t be this or can’t be that and him responding with “oh really?!?”

I also quite liked that, apparently, after the fish sticks episode of South Park, he started dressing up exactly like how they made him look so that he could ‘own it’. He also referenced fish sticks a few times in his music, in a similar manner, to basically say “yep - and what?”

... beyond all the arrogance... there’s something cheeky and undefeatable about him that I find quite charming! :o

Edit - His music is also surprisingly jarring and weird... dare I say it, good? Completely not what I would have expected... I put on Yeezus for a laugh and was like “wtf is this”.
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This is brilliant. Historians are going to look back at these times and laugh.

What a time to be American.
If the states he can't now run in, doesn't affect him.

I honestly think there's a chance he could be President. I mean the world laughed at Trump. I won £100 off like a £2 bet, it was so unlikely.
As the old saying goes “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.

I think Trump alone has been “Fool me every time he starts talking and lies”. If Americans are that stupid, wait yes they are. Actually, the entire planet is…there is no hope for us all.
Kanye West is such an odd character. He comes across as absurdly arrogant BUT I actually think a lot of it is in humour and/or defiance. As in, his whole “I AM A GOD” is a blowing up of people saying he can’t be this or can’t be that and him responding with “oh really?!?”

I also quite liked that, apparently, after the fish sticks episode of South Park, he started dressing up exactly like how they made him look so that he could ‘own it’. He also referenced fish sticks a few times in his music, in a similar manner, to basically say “yep - and what?”

... beyond all the arrogance... there’s something cheeky and undefeatable about him that I find quite charming! :o

Edit - His music is also surprisingly jarring and weird... dare I say it, good? Completely not what I would have expected... I put on Yeezus for a laugh and was like “wtf is this”.

He was also talking about building some low cost houses at one point. Not sure if that went ahead.
White liberals don't like Kanye, he doesn't think how they tell him to think or vote how they tell him to vote
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