Kanye West running for President.

What he actually said was about Wakanda was -

"But I’m gonna use the framework of Wakanda right now because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House…That is a positive idea" - "Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together."

Yeah he sounds sooooo "insane" wanting people to work and innovate together and the fact that the best way he can describe it is using a method most people will have seen in a Marvel movie, to make his point simple for folks to get, I MEAN WHAT A LOON :rolleyes:

He's positive, he wants people to be positive, he wants people to come together and, whilst he's not the best with laying out his thoughts in a coherent manner, I don't see any reason for the media to be tearing him down like they are, whether I agree with him or not. I mean it's not like he'll actually win at all, so I don't understand the personal insults he's suffering. Surely if people really do believe he's "insane" then they'd be compassionate towards him, wanting him to seek help rather than just abusing someone who they think is mentally ill.
What he actually said was about Wakanda was -

"But I’m gonna use the framework of Wakanda right now because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House…That is a positive idea" - "Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together."


  • That he’s suspicious of a coronavirus vaccine, terming vaccines “the mark of the beast.”
  • That he believes “Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work.”."

For some reason I doubt his idea of innovation in medicine is going to be in step with science or actual medicine.

Yeah he sounds sooooo "insane" wanting people to work and innovate together and the fact that the best way he can describe it is using a method most people will have seen in a Marvel movie, to make his point simple for folks to get, I MEAN WHAT A LOON

But what made it work in the marvel movie was magic space rocks....do he have any magic space rocks?
“It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralyzed. . . . So when they say the way we’re going to fix Covid is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious. That’s the mark of the beast. They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven. I'm sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them. And the sad thing is that, the saddest thing is that we all won’t make it to heaven, that there’ll be some of us that do not make it. Next question.”


And to cure Corona we need to stop making God mad.

How long till he blames the gays?
Can we keep the Trump discussion to the Trump thread in SC rather than continue it in here please.
I'm aware some may like to discuss it in GD but we've tried that and it failed.
I think it failed in SC too. From what I can see the moderation isn't quick enough or consistent - no fault of the moderation team really, other than lack of preparation when the rules were initially defined - but don't pretend discussions of Trump in SC and GD were/are much different, perhaps the eloquence.

That is to be expected when it is the latest fashionable topic for the mainstream cult to regurgitate rhetoric, you'll have to accept that to include those with lower capacity for thought.

SC's current management doesn't do anything except ban simplistic trolls but also those with passion of the subject who are unable to respond without emotion. Perhaps codes and rules need to be adapted, for example stating each post must contain the specific topic or point it is in response to, an expansion or explanation of the current and/or new perspective without repetition of previous posts, and conclusion or question specifying the target audience. I don't know, I'm just making them up quickly, but I think if a framework existed for the post structure, it may help get SC to the level it should be at - and there are plenty of intelligent people on this forum who I'm sure can work out a great code of practice for SC.

Back to Kanye:

Yeah he sounds sooooo "insane" wanting people to work and innovate together and the fact that the best way he can describe it is using a method most people will have seen in a Marvel movie, to make his point simple for folks to get, I MEAN WHAT A LOON :rolleyes:
I think you're giving him too much credit.

He is the product of his mummy telling him he was special, a severe personality disorder and then this poisonous culture of fame.

It's fine having compassionate ideas and even better putting them into practice, however the delusional nature of those arrogant enough allows a sort of echo chamber without criticism and the ideas become less stable or efficient whilst the belief sky rockets.

We should not, and I say we rather than "the media", platform those without the necesary skills for the correct job, or objective I suppose.
What he actually said was about Wakanda was -

"But I’m gonna use the framework of Wakanda right now because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House…That is a positive idea" - "Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together."

Yeah he sounds sooooo "insane" wanting people to work and innovate together and the fact that the best way he can describe it is using a method most people will have seen in a Marvel movie, to make his point simple for folks to get, I MEAN WHAT A LOON :rolleyes:

He's positive, he wants people to be positive, he wants people to come together and, whilst he's not the best with laying out his thoughts in a coherent manner, I don't see any reason for the media to be tearing him down like they are, whether I agree with him or not. I mean it's not like he'll actually win at all, so I don't understand the personal insults he's suffering. Surely if people really do believe he's "insane" then they'd be compassionate towards him, wanting him to seek help rather than just abusing someone who they think is mentally ill.

You appear to be focusing on just the wakanda part for some reason and not the other mad stuff, such as (paraphrasing)

"The vaccine is a way to put chips in your body that stop you passing the gates to heaven...."
He is the product of his mummy telling him he was special

Well, it could be argued that he is special given his accomplishments within the music industry.

You appear to be focusing on just the wakanda part for some reason and not the other mad stuff, such as

Probably because the 'wakanda part' is pure rambling and the easiest to laugh at. The other elements I suppose depend on where you sit on the faith fence, I know it's acceptable for people to mock Christianity and the western faiths. Regarding Planned Parenthood, that's a spicy one, just how far down the eugenics hole did Sanger go? We already know she wasn't a fan of black people.
Kanye West will not run, its not the first time he has announced his intention to run. But if he does follow through with it this time it will help Trump by taking voters from Biden.

Trumps base will never vote for him because, well it's obvious why but it could split the Biden vote which can't be a good thing.
This might be the difference in the swing states that Biden needs to win and lets be honest here kanye was a good friend of trumps, so is this a game plan to get Trump re elected?
Was that 'cus he is black? :D

Good catch, my "keyboard" spelling at times is awful and I tend to reply too heavily on a spell checker. It's odd as I never spell so poorly when actually writing something yet for some reason a keyboard throws my spelling out the window.

What is this Wankanda method anyway? I've not seen the movies.

Effectively it's as he quoted, where he admires and wants to emulate - "the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together." - so in the film everyone works together, and that togetherness (and a lot of "Marvel Magic") helps them become a great power.

Of course thats just one side of the film. The flip side is that Wakanda is a dictator run & heavily bigoted (and potentially racist) country which bans all immigration, has built a wall to physically keep refugees out, attacking any that attempt to get close to its borders whilst it keeps it's neighbours in poverty as the dictator forces it's own people into segregated areas of forced work to keep him in lavish wealth whilst his people on the outskirts are kept in squalor (to keep up the appearance that Wanakda is an impoverished nation) and finally it has a KGB/Stasi style "secret police" who track down all that dare to leave and, if that person has displeased the dictator by wanting things to change, the dictator personally kills them.

However by the end of the film the forces for change grow too big and a civil war erupts until the dictator kills the leader of the "change" group and everything goes back to pretty much normal (it is a Marvel movies after all) and that horrific civil war is ignored in all subsequent movies, purged from history as though it never happened so that everyone is one big happy family when we next see them.

Hmmm maybe Wakanda isn't something to aspire too :D
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