Kanye West running for President.

This is just another attention seeking thing for Kanye, he's not serious about this, he's already missed the deadline for quite a few states to even run as a candidate. Kanye and that woman are complete weirdos.

The one with the butt that looks like the surface of the moon when its not pictured and photo shopped by her paparazzi minions.
Man needs help imo.he wants to help end racism, great, but what are his policies on the Economy, healthcare, jobs, education, welfare, defence etc
That just sorted out by staff.. You really believe that Trump actually does anything intelligent. He has shown that the President is a caretaker position with the enormous time he spends on twitter and playing golf, yet somehow the country continues to function..
Moreover the bbc reported musk and he were good friends ... though would they be orthogonal politically - with Musk's no masks, republican bent.
Tidal is still surviving ... does he own other things
I am fully expecting Yeezy Prezidentials :cool:

Musks endorsement is so transparent. He’d probably bankroll his entire campaign if he thought it would get him some serious influence in the White House.
Kanye West is a trump supporter, so call me a cynic but this could all be a ploy for him to take the black vote, and the votes of idiots, leaving Trump an easier path to win again.
Well good for him I guess...can't really get much worse than the current offering.

Hes obviously very passionate about race issues and his wife is very keen to change the prison system in america.

At least two policies there that can start their campaign.

Just imagine, he'd be the first true black president as Obama was mixed race.

A step forward in a systemically and institutionally racist country.
Just imagine, he'd be the first true black president as Obama was mixed race.
With this being a thought and a statement, it saddens me :(

What does "purity" have to do with life? The purpose for having "one of our own" as a representative is to provide insight and experience in that life. The biological make up doesn't matter, the roots and upbringing matter, the encounters and experiences matter. Black means **** all, as I've said numerous times. Obama didn't represent anyone except for other fighters for justice.
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Kanye West is a trump supporter, so call me a cynic but this could all be a ploy for him to take the black vote, and the votes of idiots, leaving Trump an easier path to win again.

That sounds exactly like the under handed tactics Trump would do to win. Biden should ask the Chinese to hack into Trump’s email to check for evidence in a public speech in front of cameras ;)
Just imagine, he'd be the first true black president as Obama was mixed race.

A step forward in a systemically and institutionally racist country.
I always had the impression obama was pretty much a white guy.

I doubt he had much in common with most black voters apart from the colour of their skin

I'm probably wrong but it's like he was raised in a white area without the african culture
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