As opposed to Twitter which is a left wing echo chamber?
*Spock eyebrow*
I mean...I'm assuming this is deliberate hyperbole on your part and not you having a 'divorced from reality' moment...
As opposed to Twitter which is a left wing echo chamber?
That rather assumes that we all share the same reality - some don't*Spock eyebrow*
I mean...I'm assuming this is deliberate hyperbole on your part and not you having a 'divorced from reality' moment...
Well she got banned for saying 'Hung like a baboon' retaliating to a threat. Right to ban over that? I don't quite get the offence.
She got banned for a long string of offences including calling for a "final solution" for muslims in the UK.
Chris Grey says they've achieved Brexit? We have? I've not seen it take place yet. It's in limbo.
The UK has left the European Union, it took place.
We're still paying money to them. We're still tied. That's not left.
We're still paying money to them. We're still tied. That's not left.
@Roar87 - regarding your comment re: echo chambers...
I do have to wonder how much of it is perception and how much is reality.
Yeah that was a really bad thing to say, not sure why she thought she would be able to get away with typing that. I've actually not much problem with bans if you type something like that. The problem is that Twitter permanently bans people. If it were a month, or 3 months, then that would seem reasonable. Twitter just seems to want to label people as not suitable for their platform. Katie hasn't posted something shockingly offensive enough in this instance to get a permanent ban. People just don't like her very much and Twitter get's put under pressure to ban her so they do.
She seems to have made a deliberate effort to court controversy, typically (but by no means exclusively) based on racism. You only need to have a look the "Views and controversies" section on her Wikipedia entry ( to confirm this.. . . People just don't like {Ms. Hopkins) very much . . .
Both can continue their "far right hate speech" using plenty of other mediums, only now the general public won't hear about it so they can't judge for themselves how bad/good the pair are, plus anyone who may not have heard of Hopkins, because she's been "out of the news" for a while, are now going to ask "well what did she get banned for?" and this particular reason is very weak, leading to some of the general public thinking she's been judged too harshly, feeling sorry for her and that twitter is out of control.
Yeah, sounds like a great "victory" there!
How about this for a bit of rational, common sense logic - let them stay on the platform, let them say horrible things, let everyone see what horrible people they are and let everyone laugh at them or ignore them and watch them fall away due to the lack of Press reporting starving them of PR and clout. Unless that is you are scared that, if people should hear what they say, they might agree with them?
I think the quote is “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
A country with a heavily storied history of racism expelled this moron for being a racist dimwit, if you're anywhere near the side arguing for her, I don't know what to tell you pal.
We're all guilty of moaning about how dreadful Twitter is, mainly because they've allowed these kind of vacuous, dreadful, intellectually bankrupt excuses for humans to have a platform to spew bile and garbage into the ether for too long.*
*Left and Right. There are idiots on every side of every argument, don't make it about that.
Start with the mainstream media outlets. They've made it their little kingdom.
Who should take their place? Where do you get your news from?Start with the mainstream media outlets. They've made it their little kingdom.
A country with a heavily storied history of racism expelled this moron for being a racist dimwit, if you're anywhere near the side arguing for her, I don't know what to tell you pal.
I'd like if you did tell me though because to me, and I could be completely wrong here, it looks like you're saying something like "if you are arguing for her, you might be a racist too" - well at least that's how your statement appears to me, only less blunt than just openly saying that anyway.
However if I'm wrong then please correct me with what you actually meant and I'll happily apologise for getting your message mixed up.