kd's log of........ something

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Nope, don't think it is the squats.

So far I've done squats 3 times, and had lower back pain once. Deadlifts once, and lower back pain once. Well did deadlifts today, so shall see tomorrow. Leg raises might have done it though. The day before I hurt my back I did them proper up by elbows, don't think it was great for lower back. Have done them hanging since then, so that might have been what it is. We shall see...

Will nice to see another weakling joining the log club! But hey, we have to start somewhere, and gains are faster which is nice :D

Starting to see some muscle coming through on my legs which I've never seen before, which is also nice :D

My shoulder mobility is beautiful though (well, pretty good) and I do a lot of work on it now because of the mobility set I borrowed from the local swim team, which obviously focuses on shoulders. The more shoulder mobility I can get, the better it'll be for the fly. So yeah, I tend to do mobility daily. My poorest mobility is probably in my hips to be fair.

Going good kd, fair play for getting into the routine. :)

This makes me glad for my local gym, it's not the most modern of places, and could do with a better free weights room, but last sunday there was me and my mate, and never more than 1-3 other people (usually just 2) for the 3 hours we were there, and the pool had one other person in it! I just hope it stays open, but it's council run so should...
Yeah, we have a lovely modern gym, well 'fitness centre'

The pool is absolutely gorgeous. Olympic sized (although mostly split into 2x25 pools), which basically means there's never more than two people in each lane.

The gym on the other hand is a bit too cardio based tbh, a rustler grittier kind of gym might be more useful, but to be honest, we work with what we have, and the only real thing I'm missing is a powerack to squat in. Plus masses of cardio machines means more nice gym bunnies ;)

Anyway, today's pool session:
Warm up:
200 ketchup
200 bilateral
Main set:
20x100 FC (1:45)
Warm down:
1 fly, 2 back, 1 underwater.

I had to cut the drills out today, had a bit of a lie in, and needed to get out so I could get to my lecture on time. Not a major loss thankfully because I managed to get the main set done.

Had some large trap/shoulder pains from yesterday, and let me tell you, waking up with DOMS there is not encouraging to going swimming.
Also still having twinges in my left quad which is slightly ominous for tomorrow, but we shall see...

Was really quite a rough start to the session because of it, felt remarkably weak. Also had a crippling stitch on about the second 100. Oh well. Both of these were solved by manning up, gritting my teeth and pushing through it.

By the end of the main set however I was feeling fantastic. Can't quite decide whether this was massive endorphins kicking in, a bit of adrenaline, shoulders finally loosening up, or the instant oats kicking in from the mornings shake....

Either way, overall I was pretty positive coming out of it which is nice.

Right, onto Day 5.

Just as i was about to go onto the Dip machine today 5 guys turned up... (one in a hoody with YOLO on the back), anyway, they spent the next half hour dipping so I gave up with trying to use that and swapped it out for CG Push ups... had to kill the normal leg raises as well.

Day 5: (5x5)
Mobility + Stretching
Squat - 10 x bar, 10 x 18.5, 48.5kgx5x5
Bench - 25kgx5x5
Barbell Row - 32.5kgx5x5
CGPU - 12/10/1
Paloff Press - 12.5kgx10x4
Reverse Crunch - 20x5
Plank - 3x30s
Body Saw - 20/13/12
Mobility + Stretching

Comments on above:
Squats - These felt good. I think the massive amount of foam rolling I did on my quads pre-squats managed to loosen them up nicely. Didn't feel too bad. Did have a bit too much rest between sets 3 and 4 because I was showing the gf how to squat (she's decided she prefers the leg press...), but apart from that it felt pretty good. Legs are hurting already, and climbing stairs was sore, so I'm dreading tomorrow.
Bench - I'm still trying to get the weight sorted out here. Bench was busy again, but tried using 16kg dumbells. Struggled a lot with the left hand here, so swapped it out for a 25kg barbell. The barbell went up easily, and I mean easily. So going to try upping it to 30kg next time and see how that goes. Can't see it being an issue.
Barbell Rows - Felt alright, I feel form was starting to suffer by the end but not too badly.
CGPU - did these as 3xF as that's whta the dips would be. Last set was really odd though, just didn't have any strength left there.
Ab stuff - Felt good. The volume on the Reverse Crunches was agonising, but did it to make up for the lack of leg raise. Mind you, I might just keep that kind of volume up. I've hit the unweighted point now with them though, which is the point at which if you can do 3x12 5x5 recommends you go onto Dragon Flags... Couldn't get close to doing them, so just going to keep upping the reverse crunches for now until I can.

Good to see you're progressing with the squats. How is technique feeling?

Lot's of volume on them there reverse crunches, are you sure you're doing them right? If you're interested I'll endeavour to explain what I mean when fatigue isn't compromising my vision...

Also, if you want to post videos of your gf squat for... erm... form feedback, I guess that would be ok. She can wear yoga pants.
Haha, smooth, Technique's actually feeling pretty solid for Squats, Depth is certainly getting there, and back is being kept straight. I'm sure my legs probably aren't quite right at all times, but I've found a position that's now comfortable to squat in. Feet are probably just wider than shoulder width apart, and feet are in line with the rear rail. Tend to just go from there.

I think I'm doing the reverse crunches right. The first time I did them, I'm sure the form was dire. Since then though, I feel like it's much better. I'm going off of watching I think it was Cressey, could have been a Stronglifts video, but the concept of 'keep your ribcage on the floor at all times' and am basically curling anything below that. 20 reps was pretty agonising, and the abs were insane it seemed. (Normally I can feel the vertical ab line just about with some nice pushing, after these I could see the vertical ab line, and my fingers went quite some way in, if that makes any sense... xD)

She normally does wear yoga pants to the gym, and yeah, I'm keeping an eye on her form at the moment. I still think she's preferring the Leg Press though *sighs*

Show her your private collection of youtube videos of girls squatting...

With your squats, if they feel comfortable then you're probably ok. Post more vids in a few weeks to double check. In fact, just watching yourself as much as possible is really useful. I tend to video most sets these days.

I know the Cressey video you're talking about, and that man is always right. I've created a hybrid movement with something else that I've forgotten the name of, but it's horrible and will kill you with less reps.
I'll try and get some Crunch videos up next time. That and I'll have to get some DL ones up as well. DL ones will probably be harder to get mind, but I'll try and set something up, so long as it's not too busy. My body saw could also probably do with more movement. Elbows tend not to go above 90 degrees (if we count straight as 180).

If you have a chance to film your hybrid movement, I wouldn't mind taking a look. Ab rollouts are probably the next thing I need to start looking at. Eurgh.

I'm just trying to demolish my abs at the moment, it's kind of one of my bigger 'vanity' goals as such, plus I want to be flagging. They're just so awesome xD

That said, things like starting to see some real muscle on my quads is great, plus, I'm really starting to notice the squat strength on tumble turns in the pool, because I'm getting a much bigger drive off the wall. That really is a direct benefit I'm really feeling.

Right, god knows what day we're on today, I think day 5? swimming Sounds about right...

Warm Up: (standard warm up)
Main Set:
24x100 (1:45)
Suffered again. Don't know why I'm struggling with these, just lack motivation. Did a few IM's but nothing major.

Interesting progress at the moment in the pool. The 1:45 is pretty easy, and I can almost completely tune out of swimming whilst doing it - it happens when you're covering that kind of distance. But that said, it means that I found 4-8 of the 100's today I probably wasn't quite really with it, or in the right mind set to be pushing particularly hard.

30 tomorrow. Time for the long'un. Will be chuffed if I get it.

I leave you with this (turn off the sound and you'll be golden)

I'd let myself be dominated.


"Lot's of volume on them there reverse crunches, are you sure you're doing them right? If you're interested I'll endeavour to explain what I mean when fatigue isn't compromising my vision..."

Yes please considering you prescribed me these too
Ooh yes, plus another!

Also, OHP, lower bar behind or in front of head? Most people seem to go with in front, but oddly I find behind more comfy for some reason?

Ok, it's a reverse crunch prioritising posterior pelvic tilt throughout the movement, with the addition of a leg extension at the bottom of the rep. If you lose PPT and/or go into lumber extension at any point, you fail the rep.

The background:

Cressey places some emphasis on PPT, but I think more is more here. I think you need to be bracing maximally and giving it 100% to maintain that position, much in the same way as I think you should do planks.

The t-nation article explains what I mean by "leg extension", I'm emulating the positions in the "dead bug" and leg lowering exercises.

The idea is to complete a nice slow reverse crunch with maximal bracing and PPT (think about curling your hips up to your shoulders), and then after you've slowly lowered your feet almost to the floor, stretch your legs out with your feet as low as it's possible without losing the PPT and flat lumbar.

I will see if I can get a video at some point.
Hmm, ok, should be interesting. Cressey, I think normally says, don't lower bent legs less than vertical, guessing you would continue lowering, then straighten and hold tension. Bring back in and up to vertical and repeat? I'll try and put more tension in it as well...

Also thoughts on OHP and head? (See above)

Ty brah.

Good or bad idea to smash these tonight with deads tomorrow?
Yeah that should be fine, it might even make your deads feel better.
Hmm, ok, should be interesting. Cressey, I think normally says, don't lower bent legs less than vertical, guessing you would continue lowering, then straighten and hold tension. Bring back in and up to vertical and repeat? I'll try and put more tension in it as well...

Also thoughts on OHP and head? (See above)

That's about right.

Having the arms overhead is really important too, it pulls you into slight thoracic extension which makes stopping your lumbar from extending even harder.

Ooh yes, plus another!

Also, OHP, lower bar behind or in front of head? Most people seem to go with in front, but oddly I find behind more comfy for some reason?

My guess with these is that having the bar behind your head allows you to keep your shoulders retracted.

Try it in front again, but pin your shoulder blades together. If you can't, lots of thoracic mobility and pec stretching/soft tissue work awaits.
While you're getting your film on, get another vid of how you've fixed your squat form since your original videos.
So, yesterday's session (swimming) which I know you don't care so much about:
Warm up (as normal - cutting this down, because it seems less read)
Main set - 30x100 (1:45)
Drills - bits and bobs
Warm Down

Drills were a bit short, but, oh well.

Main set, I'm so unbelievably chuffed with. Whilst it's nowhere near as fast as I'd like to be going, hitting 30x100, is a huge achievement for me, and once I'd finished it, I really just wanted to scream WOOOOO to the world, because of it. It shows that I've still got the fitness to do it, and what's more, I've got the mental willpower to go for 30 without a coach shouting/encouraging me.

Ok, today's session (weights):
Mobility + Stretching:
Squat (51kg) 5x5
OHP (22.5kg) 5x5
Deadlift (45kg) 5x6
Pull Down (35kg) 5x5
Paloff Press (10kg) 4x12 (2 each side)
Reverse Crunch 3x12
The 'Ice' Crunch (see above :p) 3x12 (I'm going to kill you Ice...)
Plank (3x30s)
Mobility + Stretching - Didn't have time to foam roller my quads :(

Went up relatively easily. No major issues. I have started to close my eyes as I put a bunch of force through mind..
Issue I have noticed, is that I really need to brace my core more when I'm doing these. Due to the lack of free weight as such, I'm being much lazier, and I'm often finding that one leg is driving more than the other. Something I need to fix.

Relatively easy, didn't seem too bad. On the last couple I feel I was probably arching my back a bit too much. But on the whole I'm pretty sure it was ok throughout.

So, Deadlift Videos (there's two here, only managed to get someone else to film one, so the first one is much more lower body, don't really get to see back too much:
Bad things:
Head - keep it down)
Setting up - Bending knees too soon? Would be better to reach for the bar with straighter legs, and then lower bum until shoulders are above it.
Back - Seems more rounded than I thought it was. Need to get this sorted first, however I suspect getting the other things sorted may help out with that.

Not so bad things:
Seem to be driving with feet.
Bar is quite close to legs

Having just seen the video, I've realised just how poor my form here is. It looks absolutely dire! It was admittedly the sixth set (which I did purely to film), but still... Jeeze, need to get it sorted.

Just found Dom's post (see spoiler below), and intend to use that from now on as a reference for all form Deadlifts. I've got a barbell at home, and a couple of oversized light weights. So, I think there will be quite a bit of practicing with that, because, yeah, I really have noticed just how bad that form is.
So to analyse these lets start at the top of the rep since that is where I perform my set up. The first thing I do is position myself with a neutral spine which involves looking forward and making the back of my neck as long as possible and removing any flexion from my hips by tensing my glutes.

Then I will brace my core by breathing in and holding to put pressure against my abdominals and the erectors in my back (Important How To Video).

Then without losing any tension in my core I descend to the bar with straight legs to allow maximal tension on the hamstring which allows me to recruit them to generate more force. I am able to reach the bar without bending my legs a great deal as my hamstring flexibility is at a healthy range. NOTE in the videos I bypass this step slightly as I have been doing it for a very long time and the motor pattern has become second nature to me, so I find it unnecessary to follow all of the steps.

Next I adjust the height of my hips by bending my knees so that my shoulders are directly over the bar.

Then I make sure the bar is resting on my shins and I initiate the drive upwards, with the pressure going through my heels. The bar doesn't leave my legs until after it has moved past my knees.

Once the bar is above my knees I can "lock out" the lift by engaging my glutes in a thrusting motion that is best described as "humping the bar". Also note that the rep finishes with me standing directly upright in pretty much the position that I started with the bar pulled into my thighs.

Throughout the movement my spine stays in the neutral position it started in. As has been mentioned several times the worst thing you can do to your back is bend it when it is under load.

Please feel free to add your own critique, as that is the whole point of this thread :).

Edit: Perfect timing there bro!

Edit no.2: Forgot to add that of course my back stays straight in the lift so I added it in :).

Ab stuff
Got some videos of Reverse Crunch (see spoiler), seems like I'm lifting more than I thought, but I'm really lifting hardly any of my back of the ground on these. Still felt like I was well and truly plastered to the floor for most of them. All three sets are below. (Can't remember which order is which though).
Paloff Press seemed odd today, far too much trying to pull me off my feet. I just didn't feel as planted as I should - hence lowering the weight compared to normal.
I really did the reverse crunches just to get them videoed, did the 'Ice' Crunch as I'm now calling it afterwards. I'm going to kill you one day, I swear :p Those were agonisingly painful. To be honest, I could probably just use them and plank as my main ab workout routines now, and save me some time. Need to do these weighted though. I realised when I tried them unweighted, that as I extended my legs, my back didn't stay flat on the ground. (no idea on the technical terminology here).

Overall, it wasn't a bad session, just that form on my deadlift is unbelievably depressing. Guess the good thing is, at least I'm aware it's so poor, and can now fix it.

Any comments/tips/advice, as always appreciated.

Yeah you need to practice your hip hinge. I think there are some good posts dotted around, but it might be worth making a new one as it's such an important topic (I'm sure Dom would want to add to that post you quoted).

You need to find a way to shunt your hips back while keeping your spine completely straight. This functional movement pattern is effectively deprogrammed from a lot of people, and if they try they can't keep their lumbar straight while adding tension to their hamstrings.

Those reverse crunches are too fast! Much slower descent when you reach peak tension. You also need more "curl up", so getting your knees between your elbows (are your hands anchored by something light horizontally "over" your head?).

Video of "ice curl" (:D)? Need the camera to be further away though.
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