Keep cake away from the office

23 Feb 2009
South Wirral
People should not bring cake into the office for the sake of their colleagues' health, the head of a food watchdog has suggested.
Prof Susan Jebb, chairwoman of the Food Standards Agency (FSA), argued eating a piece of cake is a choice but colleagues can help each other by providing "a supportive environment".
"If nobody brought cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day," she told the Times newspaper.

She compared cake to passive smoking.

Full article:

Nobody is forcing cake down you, unlike the ancient issue of smoking inside an office where passive smoking was impossible to avoid. Whilst not directly impacted as I work from home, the possibility of free cake is one of the very, very few positives to working in an office imo.

So what say you GD ?
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The comparison to passive smoking is a bit silly, but we have a nation of fatties who are becoming a major health issue to the country and who obviously can't control their intake, so the advice to not put temptation in front of them isn't that silly.
I'd prefer if people didn't bring cake into the office tbh. If someone is bringing something from a supermarket or similar, it's easy enough to ignore. But if someone has made the effort to make something themselves, there's a lot of pressure to have some of it. I've had colleagues body shame me about being too thin before when I've refused cakes or treats and frankly I'd quite like to not even be in that situation.
The comparison to passive smoking is a bit silly, but we have a nation of fatties who are becoming a major health issue to the country and who obviously can't control their intake, so the advice to not put temptation in front of them isn't that silly.
Will power. People need to take some responsibility for the state of their bodies.
The comparison to passive smoking is a bit silly, but we have a nation of fatties who are becoming a major health issue to the country and who obviously can't control their intake, so the advice to not put temptation in front of them isn't that silly.

I remember pre pandemic and there would be cakes in the office every day, it's hard to resist temptation.

WFH and you've gotta buy your own cakes I'm a lot less likely to bother.
I think this is a really good idea. There are too many fat people at work, and they are getting fatter. Why give them cake? They clearly can't stop themselves.

There's one girl at work who is already inordinately corpulent. She is spherical. The other day she ate two - TWO - EXTRA LARGE PIZZAS. She can hardly walk, she just kind of... oozes down the corridor. And what do people give her as rewards for her work? CAKE.

I support this. Bring in fruit, or low calorie snacks for people, not cake.

If it's their birthday, give them a lemon. If they ask why, say, so you can make lemon cake at home.
Will power. People need to take some responsibility for the state of their bodies.

Absolutely they should, but they don't and it's not working just telling them they should and expecting it to happen.

It's a complex issue, as eating is obviously necessary and is is mixed up with a lot of other willpower sapping traits, like hunger, emotional state, stress levels etc etc. And just because say you or I have the willpower to control our food intake (I've never been a big foodie) we might have a corresponding lack of willpower over something else.

As an aside, this is a fantastic book on Willpower

All about how it works, why we succeed and fail and, like a muscle, how it can fatigue and/or be trained to strengthen it. If anyone is interested I'd really recommend it, it's a very interesting book.
Proper grafters bring in last night's pizza and eat it with dirty hands.

Also, does anyone remember the good old days as kids, when we used to eat cake, after someone had blown all over it ?

Man, we were wild.
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Will we ban the sale of cakes? That seems as logical as banning bringing cakes into a workplace. As for comparison to passive smoking, that is ridiculous. Are people holding you down and ramming cake forcibly into your mouth? No. Have we got to a situation where people care literally unable to control themselves and have to prevent others from enjoying life?
As a coeliac I feel discriminated against when colleagues bring real, tasty, deliciously soft cake into the office.

Ban it.
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