Keep cake away from the office

Well, quite, but then no-one is talking about banning cake in the office, a person has just suggested don't bring it in :p

We'll have the berks comparing this to authoritarian totalitarian re-education labour camps next!
i've added a little ole edit to my post, i knew i shouldn't have used the word 'ban' :p

what i really should have written was - i think before we begin suggesting people don't bring cake into the office, we should be looking at putting a stop to the fat messes out there who promote a fat body as being something that is ok. deal with that issue first, then see where we are with asking others to help out fat folk who struggle to help themselves.

Cake is overrated
get. out. now.
The comparison to passive smoking is a bit silly, but we have a nation of fatties who are becoming a major health issue to the country and who obviously can't control their intake, so the advice to not put temptation in front of them isn't that silly.

The smoking comparison is poor, but the UK and most pf the west need to take the obesity crisis seriously, and the availability of unhealthy treats would be part of it.

E.g., in our office we get a selection of chocolate bars, sweets and soda. I requested there to be some fresh fruit and some alternative low calorie drinks (plus beer...). Of course there was no budget for fresh fruit. This is a big problem really because you can only snack unhealthily.

Someone bringing cake in though, is kind of irrelevant.
When we had a macmillan coffee morning and nearly everyone brought cake, my contribution was the large Melton Mowbray pork pie. Mmmmm.
full-fat coke
Culture in my office tends to be that cake / biscuits are used as fines for making mistakes. Kind of like a disciplinary avoidance.

People tend to bring treats in on their own birthday too. Which is weird considering you end up out of pocket on your own 'special' day lol.
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