Keeping “emergency” cash at home…

Only cash i have in the house is from people paying me cash for small items ive sold, all my money is in high interest savings accounts, premium bonds or stocks and shares isa. I tend to pay for everyting with my phone nowadays.
I keep £500 in a safe at home just incase.

Its rare but I can recall 3 times card and cash machines have done down. The last time was last year when Mastercard had an outage worldwide. You never know!
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Don`t get me wrong card is sooo convenient but if i want to withdraw £5000 in bank i expect to be able to,not be subjuect to the spanish inqusition.i.e. why do you want the money,where are you going to spend it etc etc :(

Banks have been given a hard time for not showing some kind of duty of responsibility leading to their account holders being scammed/blackmailed etc so they now have to ask these questions.... Blame the criminals, not the bank TBH.
FFS its my money NOT theirs limits on paying in and taking out via card etc

But it's their service you are using (probably for free...).

Hate having cash - try to get rid of it as soon as possible, it's inconvenient, dirty, gets lost, takes up space etc. the only cash I have an actual use for is a collection of silvers and £1/2 coins in the centre console of the car for the 1% of car parks which don't take card (or are out in the middle of nowhere with flaky phone reception making it difficult to pay using one of the various apps)
When you retire and the govt means test your savings to reduce your pension you will be sorry you have no cash/gold savings
All well and good if the politicians/govt were honest and did not cheat and lie but RL is not fair like that :)
If you keep a pile of cash sat in your house, it'll have less buying power in a year compared to now. Literally easiest way to lose money
I do. Paying for certain things/services with cash even today still gets you a betted deal :)
My local chip shop is a good 30% cheaper if you go in person rather than order online, they have cash only deals too with a minimum £20 spend for anyone wanting to use a card.

I don't carry much in the way of cash, but I do like to have £40-50 in notes for the odd occasion I fancy a take away or if there's an issue with payment processing with a card reader for whatever reason, although that's rare these days.
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yeah banks are getting cheeky now
FFS its my money NOT theirs limits on paying in and taking out via card etc
They would love to make everyone use card so that they know what you spend on and can pester you with ads etc ;)
Don`t get me wrong card is sooo convenient but if i want to withdraw £5000 in bank i expect to be able to,not be subjuect to the spanish inqusition.i.e. why do you want the money,where are you going to spend it etc etc :(

This is a move to protect people from scammers and criminality.

What cash purchase do you now make that requires more than £100 that is legal and not needed for dodging tax (ie a builder)?
Which is fine if you want to pay full price.
Latest thing I used cash for was a skip, £200 cash or £250 by card/back transfer.

If you pay in cash - we won’t pay the extra to the tax man.

I’d skip right over them and find a company I’d be sure won’t dump my waste in the local lay-by.
I only do it because people sometimes give me cash at christmas and I can't be bothered to take it to the bank, so end up having £100-200 in the house in the vague hope I'll find something to spend it on over the course of 12 months.

Mainly the hairdresser.
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