Keeping up with the Markles

Am I missing something but isn't Meghan Markle mostly white (about 75%), how can she claim to be black and ignore the other 75% of what she is.

It is a bit like me deciding I am Dutch because one of my grandparents were even though the other 3 were descended from the British Isles.

Which you could do if one of your grandparents had a special status group identity. For example, many of the Americans who declare themselves Irish have even less connection to Ireland than you have to the Netherlands. One Irish ancestor 200 years ago? Close enough! Identity politics isn't rational.

Racism also isn't rational, so it too doesn't need to make sense. Right now, it's still at the stage where any ancestry that's "black" makes a person "black". The old "one drop" standard beloved of pro-"white", anti-"white" and pro-"black" racists. Of course, that will change as fashionable racists gain power. Any ideology of racism contains the idea of racial purity, so the only thing suppressing it is the idea of "white" being a common enemy. In time, the targetting will turn on people who are "not black enough". The beginnings of that already exist and they already have a (victim-blaming, unsurprisingly) name for it - "colorism".
Am I missing something but isn't Meghan Markle mostly white (about 75%), how can she claim to be black and ignore the other 75% of what she is.
The likes of her and Kaepernick choose to identify with their black heritage because that’s where the profit is. PoC privilege is being able to play the oppressed victim and blame whitey for everything no matter how rich and famous you are.

It’s just racial hostility dressed-up as something vaguely intellectual sounding so the 80iq wokies lap it up.
The likes of her and Kaepernick choose to identify with their black heritage because that’s where the profit is. PoC privilege is being able to play the oppressed victim and blame whitey for everything no matter how rich and famous you are even when you are whitey.

Corrected that for you.
News sites now reporting that the Bish has dropped Megs in it today by confirming she was married on the Saturday - not before as she claimed in the interview - which now appears to have been mostly lies and entitled whining.
News sites now reporting that the Bish has dropped Megs in it today by confirming she was married on the Saturday - not before as she claimed in the interview - which now appears to have been mostly lies and entitled whining.

However that idiot Alex Beresford on GMB will argue that it's her perceived reality that it happened so it did happen.
I find this all a bit wierd to be honest. Why are we looking at a video of 8 year olds in a derogatory way?

She's 8...

Because in the Oprah interview she says she didn't know much about the Royal Family and hadn't researched them before meeting Harry.

Whereas in this video she is able to reel off a list of territories the Queen rules over, as well as acting like a member of the Royal Family and demanding her friends treat her as one. She obviously had fantasies about being a part of the Royal Family from a young age.
If a black person ever accused your good self of racism I think you'd be trapped in some kind of paradox.

You'd have to believe them, because you automatically believe such accusations. There is never a need for evidence; all accusations of racism must be true.

But you'd also swear that you're not a racist and racism is bad.

Then I think you'd just start rocking backwards and forwards, unable to resolve the two conflicting inputs.

He'd vanish in a quantum black hole of unreality, a 21st century version of shrodinger's cat where he exists in two superimposed states of racist/unracist both simultaneously existing and not existing but posting on OCuk forces him into one determinate state. Or the other.
However that idiot Alex Beresford on GMB will argue that it's her perceived reality that it happened so it did happen.

That guys is another one. They have both bloodlines and both have a mixed heritage but only one side evidently seems to matter too them. I can’t stand him after his little hissy paddy. Not a Piers fan but he was absolutely spot on here.

I would just like to inform everyone that today the governments formal investigation found the UK completely non institutionally racist. So Megan and Mr Beresford may have to take a long hard reality check.
Has anyone seen the video of her as a kid at her friend's birthday party where she steals the birthday girl's tiara and gets everyone to call her "your highness"?

No, I'm not making it up.

I particularly like the part at the end where she says, "my party!"

This is proof that she had planned to marry into the royal family from the get go. I think we can conclude that she is not to be trusted.
Because in the Oprah interview she says she didn't know much about the Royal Family and hadn't researched them before meeting Harry.

Whereas in this video she is able to reel off a list of territories the Queen rules over, as well as acting like a member of the Royal Family and demanding her friends treat her as one. She obviously had fantasies about being a part of the Royal Family from a young age.

You didnt mention that in your post.

Regardless shes bloody 8.
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