Keeping up with the Markles



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
I think the best thing that everyone can do is just leave Harry and Meghan alone completely. Just ignore them. Don't give them the time of day. The papers should just stop reporting on them. They are irrelevant has beens that are desperately trying to cling to what little shred of relevance they had when they were part of the royal family.

That being said, a large amount of people care about what the Kardashians are doing so clearly I am completely wrong.
1 Aug 2005
I take it you are a Daily Mail reader.

Or do you mean the cries and bullying by the anti woke brigade? Because that is basicaly what is happening. She is being bullied. Its playground bullying.

I've heard she smells and has the lurgy.

Front page of the BBC website, check it out. She is accusing the Royal Family of lying and saying she has been victimised. It's funny that that is a classic tactic of abusers. It's not a coincidence.

She has disowned her father, her brother [both of who said she was a manipulative narcissist] no-one came to her wedding from her family apart from her mother, Oprah was invited [who she didn't know, but surprise surprise, now she has an exclusive interview], two of her aides quit because of bullying, chose an emotionally damaged prince to marry who's jealous of his older brother, etc etc ad nauseam.... It's not hard to put the pieces together. I think seeing it any other way is just sticking one's fingers in one's ears at this point.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
I think the hate for this women is just gross. Its like people lose all sense of logic when talking about her.

What we are witnessing is a classic PR battle, there may be some truth to everything but I bet 100% there is a shed load of spin dumped into the mix as well.

They left because of the media and this is proving once again that their decision was the correct one.

Exactly. They aren't known as The Firm for nothing. You cross them and they'll bring the whole establishment down on your head. Favours will get called in with the press or promises of access to an interview if favourable stories to the Palace are published. Yet here are posters claiming its all her, that a man who served in Afghanistan is a fanny as someone put it. Maybe he just wanted out from this circus for a long time and as soon as they started going after his wife that was the final straw. Good luck to him and her, they are better off out of it and this country. I despise the press here, tabloid journalism is a curse on society.
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14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
It didnt start with the wokeness that was something that came after but really?! Remind me again when they left the UK?

Feeling victimised because of her mixed race background is her prerogative. Whether race or nationality was the real cause of the ease at which the public turned on her is a point for debate but your feelings are your own and she is entitled to them. My children are mixed race and frankly the UK has always been incredibly tolerant in my experience.

is this requirement for everyone or do you reserve this kind of judgement for those who you want to criticise? Just asking as human nature tends to mean cries of hypocrisy against people are usually accompanied with a great big pass for those they don’t.

I would like to think that I am reasonably straight talking and am happy to challenge people if they are being hypocritical and fully expect to be challenged when I do the same. In life that we are all hypocrites at times, nobody is immune, but some self awareness and a willingness to accept when we have been wrong is an important character quality.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Feeling victimised because of her mixed race background is her prerogative. Whether race or nationality was the real cause of the ease at which the public turned on her is a point for debate but your feelings are your own and she is entitled to them. My children are mixed race and frankly the UK has always been incredibly tolerant in my experience.

Why did the public turn on her as you put it? Where do the masses get their opinions from? From rags like The Sun, Mail, Express, Mirror and the gossip magazines. They read it there and they believe it, "oh there is no smoke without fire". Sadly the public at large of easily fooled and manipulated, proven once again by how a reality TV star managed to convince 40% of Americans that an election was stolen with zero evidence :rolleyes:
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
I agree with this, but it's not like the US and in particular LA is any better. In fact, I expect it will be much worse without the protection that Royals are afforded in the UK.

US press have far bigger fish to fry the H&M. They are nothing there and are probably loved by the public as for some unknown reason a country that fought a war to free itself from our royal tyrannical rule seem to love our royals.

What protection were they afforded here? They've been on her case from before the wedding. And if you have the audacity to fight back they just double down on you. On the other hand we have Andrew who lets face it is what most people would call a nonce. He certainly likes them young is another way to put it. That was a story for 5 minutes and now has gone away, never to be mentioned again unless some evidence comes out they simply can't ignore. That is where The Firm used its power of protection, to protect a man who most likely abused minors with a known and convicted sex offender.
14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
Why did the public turn on her as you put it? Where do the masses get their opinions from? From rags like The Sun, Mail, Express, Mirror and the gossip magazines. They read it there and they believe it, "oh there is no smoke without fire". Sadly the public at large of easily fooled and manipulated, proven once again by how a reality TV star managed to convince 40% of Americans that an election was stolen with zero evidence :rolleyes:
That may very well be the case, it is easier to manipulate the wider public than we would like to admit.
15 Oct 2019
What sort of man would let his wife go on tele to **** off your family while your elderly grandfather is ill in hostpital with a heart condition, says it all really.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
What sort of man would let his wife go on tele to **** off your family while your elderly grandfather is ill in hostpital with a heart condition, says it all really.

Seriously? They filmed this weeks ago before Philip went into hospital. Plus Harry is also being interviewed. Lastly "What sort of man would let his wife go on tele.." Sorry does your wife require your permission do things? Is this 1951 or 2021?

All the above is exactly the problem we face in this country it really is.
1 Mar 2010
They left because of the media and this is proving once again that their decision was the correct one.

That was the pretext, she wants a usa celebrity lifestyle, aspired philanthropic role , LA climate, which was never compatible with a uk royal role,
she didn't read+understand the T&C's.
I think she largely manufactured the opinion that she was racially maligned in the uk, probably been wronged during her career and the USA continue to put that multi-racial incomer tag on her, 'she's not the only multi-racial in the village'
15 Oct 2019
Seriously? They filmed this weeks ago before Philip went into hospital. Plus Harry is also being interviewed. Lastly "What sort of man would let his wife go on tele.." Sorry does your wife require your permission do things? Is this 1951 or 2021?

All the above is exactly the problem we face in this country it really is.
It's clear that she's in control, even in the interview the body language with her hand on top of his denotes that she is the boss.

And I'm sure they could have delayed the interview especially with Megan being such good friends with Oprah.

She says she wants her say yet I've not seen any member of the royal family give a TV interview slating Meghan.
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