Khat to be banned

30 Jun 2007
at least they would be fully aware of the dangers and be given a safe dose

good god no they would not be fully aware of the dangers they'd be ****ed out their head and trying to get home.

it would be like a rave crossed with a game of frogger.
22 Nov 2005
good god no they would not be fully aware of the dangers they'd be ****ed out their head and trying to get home.

it would be like a rave crossed with a game of frogger.

ever seen the reefer madness film? should be right up your street ;)

Theres a UK one as well where weed is legalised and Britain comes to a halt but I can't recall it's name
22 Nov 2005
Why would someone on MDMA be more likely to walk into traffic than someone who's drunk?

because being illegal instantly makes it 1000X more dangerous it's like eating a quija board you become possessed by satan himself who takes control of your body and moves you in front of high speed oncoming traffic

or you know i've got experience and think that making people whack a dose of ecstasy in the middle of town for their first time aint the smartest idea in history.
no one is making anyone do anything they can't do now they are just providing a safer environment for them you know like some countries have places where you can take drugs under supervision, providing clean needles etc

you honestly believe uni students and the likes aren't taking all sorts of crap?
I can go for a walk around the local park around 9pm on most nights and see a bunch of students smoking weed and others as high as kites on god knows what else.

if you want drug you can get them easily enough, I'd be very surprised if a single person on this forum with a small amount of effort can't get hold of almost anything.

I've had random people try to give me the phone numbers of drug dealers before
Last edited:
10 May 2004
cause its their first time and its relatively potent. and lets face it they're probably going to be drunk too.

How many people have you seen in a drunken stuper after their first time drinking (or even after their 100th time)? I'd bet a lot.

There's no denying any drug (including alcohol and MDMA) are dangerous but with the right education the risks can be cut.
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