Khat to be banned

25 Nov 2004
Boy oh boy,are we in a good mood today,eh? Chill,take a pill ;)

Oh,and I do not believe that health concerns should really play into this debate,quite simply because it's people's responsibility to treat their Mind and Body right...

Indeed. Mr Shulgin died at the age of 88 and he has ingested far more known and unknown (that he synthesised himself) substances but always had respect for them and knew the golden rule. You can always do more, but you can never do less.
25 Jul 2011
We need to have a say because public money is used to treat those individuals that encounter problems through substance abuse.

and I agree... let's not forget though that Tax receipts will cover a lot of the Medical Costs,again considering that most Drugs are nowhere near as Toxic as Alcohol.
Now is a High Society a Free Society? I don't think so, but then I don't even drink.... ;)
12 Mar 2004
No one will care about this but you cannot get 91% pure MDMA. The highest purity is ~84% as the other 16% is the molar mass of HCL.

Ridiculous semantics, when someone says 100% pure they are always referring to actual product being consumed, whether it is a salt or freebase.

Well even if you were to divide that LD50 by 6, you are still looking at a single dose far greater than any person would normally take.

It's unlikely that the LD50 difference between mice and humans would be any greater than /6 as if it were, there would have been significantly more deaths and hospitalizations as a direct result of MDMA usage over the past few decades.

Difference between LD50 in rodents and humans is massive.

Take nicotine for example, in rats the LD50 is 50mg/kg in humans it's 1mg/kg.

these drugs do not lend themselves well to regulation and legal consumption because the differences between a suitable active dose and a lethal dose are so close and the amoutns needed are so easily consumed.

its hard to drink an extra 6 pints to push yourself over the edge but another pill?

Alcohol has a narrow therapeutic index, the difference between a recreational dose and a toxic one is low, it is very easy to drink an extra few shots of vodka or down a triple vodka and tango that the local nightclub is offering. Why do you think so many people end up in hospital at the weekend from alcohol poisoning or injuries due to it?

By contrast it is almost impossible to die from benzodiazepine overdose, cannabis or LSD. And the effects of opioids can be instantly reversed by naloxone, which you can't do with alcohol.

Most drugs generally have a higher therapeutic index than alcohol.
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12 Mar 2004
In my experience, not in the world of illegal narcotics.

Your experience is obviously different to mine, I've never known a drug dealer or buyer to take into account the molecular weight of a sodium ion or hydrogen chloride molecule when mentioning purity...

And in the world of chemistry/pharmacology/medicine, that is always the case as you can see from journals, 100% pure refers to the product of synthesis.
8 Apr 2009
There is no problem with my Train of thought... Prohibition doesn't work,it's as simple as that. Time to find a way to regulate Drugs.

Now you have added prohibition into it which we were not talking about. The part we are talking about is this:

Oh,and I do not believe that health concerns should really play into this debate,quite simply because it's people's responsibility to treat their Mind and Body right...

To which Gilly rightfully replied:

We need to have a say because public money is used to treat those individuals that encounter problems through substance abuse.

All this flight of thought. You overdone the LSD? :p
25 Jul 2011
Now you have added prohibition into it which we were not talking about. The part we are talking about is this:

To which Gilly rightfully replied:

All this flight of thought. You overdone the LSD? :p

No,you overdone the Booze?:p

To me these issues are intertwined and all to be considered when discussing Drug policy. I hope you can indeed follow THAT train of thought. ;)
8 Apr 2009
To me these issues are intertwined and all to be considered when discussing Drug policy. I hope you can indeed follow THAT train of thought. ;)

Sorry but are you now saying that these issues are all intertwined and all to be considered because a minute ago you was saying:

Oh,and I do not believe that health concerns should really play into this debate,quite simply because it's people's responsibility to treat their Mind and Body right...

Which is it?
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