Kids can be embarrasing too!

tiggy said:
My 2 year old stood in the middle of the shop proudly holding up the largest bra I've ever seen shouting 'For my boobies!!'

Oh, and a few months ago in the middle of Asda Megan proclaimed loudly and proudly that she had just farted, and then even more proudly shouted that she needed a pooh....'A really big pooh Mummy!!'
Legend :D
tiggy said:
Oh, and a few months ago in the middle of Asda Megan proclaimed loudly and proudly that she had just farted, and then even more proudly shouted that she needed a pooh....'A really big pooh Mummy!!'


I know what thats like, we took our Nathan to Southport for a day out on Wednesday, had a walk about, bought some pasties and sausage rolls. We sat on a wall on Lord St. A woman/man sat next to Nath, she was very hairy for a woman!!

He lifted up his right leg and farted :o then proclaimed out loud

"Trumpy Bum!!!"

We were in Woolworths when my eldest (about 7 at the time) shouted out at the top of her voice "Dad, you're a ******* ******" (fornicate, play with yourself). The whole store stopped in horror and I stared over at her 9 year old cousin Gary who had told her it was a nice thing to say to me.
He had the reddest legs of the day.
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