Kids Company scamming charity? Or just incompetent management?

The government gave them £3m to get their house in order via restructuring and cost saving exercises. They didn't. Indeed, it has been suggested that they breached the terms that were attached to said money.

An anonymous benefactor was also going to give them £3m but withdrew after the Police started investigating the charity over child abuse.

Seems to me like the entire organisation was simply a shambles. That is not to imply it was that way due to malice or intentional scamming. Perhaps incompetence and naivety though?
A crying shame, but as other`s have some of these charities are just a excuse for a total lack of government funding and a outlet for giving out tax payers money to gain political/public points. As for the salary of some of these people running these organisations the mind boggles.

I give nothing to any charity apart from a lottery ticket. If there was something at a local level then maybe i would consider it depending on cause. Wildlife trusts etc.
my opinion is true

if parent != capable of providing basic meals for child

parent = deadbeat

Black and white thinking. It is possible they are a 'deadbeat', it is equally possible that circumstances conspire against them despite best endeavours. Not sure if being judgemental achieves much.

1 a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
if she wasn't a deadbeat she'd feed her child... like erm using child benefit

that might involve using a food bank herself - but we have free education, social security in the UK
Sadly Mrs Batmanwotsit comes over as a rather naïve do-gooder, the sort who would just give charity to anyone and everyone on the basis of a sob story. When you're running a charity spending a great deal of money, specifically other people's money, then you need to be a bit more hard headed - both with those in your organisation who would cream off the top and the recipients who might not be nearly as deserving as they might seem.

On a wider note, I long since ceased donating much money to charity as they are nearly all run as big business these days. Just the Cat Protection league but even they, behind the kindly looking dotty elderly lady volunteer image, are not without controversy losing several £million of banked donations in the Icelandic banking crash. And bottom of the list are places like Cancer Research who IMHO are simply subsidising the big pharma companies who then turn round and sell the results at a price patients or the NHS can't afford.
I had the displeasure of working for her on and off for a few months back in the mid 2000's at the Borough Market offices (not sure if they're still there) volunteering by doing the IT work for her.

She would waltz in between 10-11am, plonk her fat arse down for a couple of hours dictating to some poor assistant (being paid no more than minimum wage back then) because she was too ******* lazy to pick up a pen or use a computer because of her 'learning difficulties'

And then declare it was home time by 2-3pm and **** off. I stopped going there because she came across as arrogant and self-important even back then, always wearing that ridiculous costume you see her in every photo all the time. She never wears normal clothes. It's stupid and idiotic, she's half white half Iranian and moved to the UK when she was 10, so why does she dress like an African woman going to church on Sunday EVERY SINGLE DAY???
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it seems like she didn't just have kids as clients but young 'urban' men in their 20s...

couple that with reports of staff being threatened, sexual assaults being carried out - some of these 'clients' then being given paid employment within the charity etc..

the whole thing sounds like a big cluster****
If this results in Alan Yentob resigning then at least Kid's Company will have achieved something worthwhile after all.
Oliver Letwin and Matthew Hancock - they should be sacked for incompetence.

Officials now expect to recover only £1.8m - a loss of £1.2m which, according to internal emails from the charity, prolonged the life of the charity by just five working days.

they blew £1.2m in 5 days? wow. And they had 4.3m in APril.

And I cant beleive that although she claims they supported 15k at risk kids the offical figures are just 1692 kids.

I thought it was bad enough that at £20m per year this "charity" only helped 15k kids which is £2,000 per child but at 1692 kids that £20k per child per year! :O
well they had to pay for that big house with the private swimming pool only she could use + her numerous assistants etc..etc..

one farce is that a some of the adult 'clients' who were given some of this unaccounted for money were also employees

also some of the employees got the charity to pay for private school for their kids....

just seems like one big gravy train
Don't forget the expense of the daily fresh fruit delivery required to keep her hat looking fresh.

The latest Private Eye has a bit of insight into the amount of warning they were given by Newsnight/Buzzfeed in order to formulate a response, only to do nothing for a week before going on TV to claim the media did them over and scared people off.
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