Sadly Mrs Batmanwotsit comes over as a rather naïve do-gooder, the sort who would just give charity to anyone and everyone on the basis of a sob story. When you're running a charity spending a great deal of money, specifically other people's money, then you need to be a bit more hard headed - both with those in your organisation who would cream off the top and the recipients who might not be nearly as deserving as they might seem.
On a wider note, I long since ceased donating much money to charity as they are nearly all run as big business these days. Just the Cat Protection league but even they, behind the kindly looking dotty elderly lady volunteer image, are not without controversy losing several £million of banked donations in the Icelandic banking crash. And bottom of the list are places like Cancer Research who IMHO are simply subsidising the big pharma companies who then turn round and sell the results at a price patients or the NHS can't afford.