I refuse to donate to charitys because nearly all of them are very shady with how stuff gets split up.
Try and find me someone who runs a charity who doesn't drive a brand new flash car.
This is something I actually have a bit of experience with.
Thing is you will find very few people with the experience, competence/track record and education to run a charity effectively who will do that out of the goodness of their hearts or for a below market value salary - hence the CE or MD, etc. tend to be very well paid but in theory that saves them all the issues and wastage (which can far exceed the amount paid to an experienced manager) of bad/inexperienced management. I've seen first hand what happens when you try to cheap out in that regard and it isn't pretty.
Also from experience I know just how much I wouldn't donate to many charities (i.e. where the money goes) :S there are some good ones though.