Killing Floor 2

Quite enjoyed a couple of hours of this last night, had some good fights... but my new monitor made the baby jeezus cry. :(

They don't even have my monitor resolution in the list, so had to custom add it and then drop a few settings to get a few frames per second back!

Loving the microwave gun for the firebug class, and it now seems easier to 'cross-class' - i.e. to grab a M79 or whatever you like as a secondary weapon, and use it in conjunction with your class's main weaponry.

Saying that, I'm still pretty low level so not yet sure what my favourite class will end up being. Need to explore them a bit more, looking forward to seeing what 'electrical weapons' brings us! :p :D
I really haven't kept up with the game but I would assume if it is still in Early Access then it is just additional content not paid DLC.

Yep, it's the: boss, perk, maps etc. as opposed to the usual tweaks and bug fixes you get in updates.

They have introduced microtransactions, but only for cosmetic stuff.
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Just played my first round and unsure about it - does the aiming seem sluggish to anyone else?

Everything seems the totally opposite of fluid -switching weapons is tediously slow, bringing up iron sights are just a total out off, quick fire seems labored, reloading is much longer than I remember the 1st game taking and dont get me started on the sprinting, my god the sprinting! I feel like an asthmatic tortoise wadng through knee deep syrup at the best of times.

Was running on ultra with all the Nvidia flex settings on @ 60fps so unless it just had horrendous SLI timing think the game needs some oil and lots of it!

And is there a way to disable the slow mo scenes every few seconds?

Will give it a tinker tommorow to see if it was just a setting or not.
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Just played my first round and unsure about it - does the aiming seem sluggish to anyone else?

Everything seems the totally opposite of fluid -switching weapons is tediously slow, bringing up iron sights are just a total out off, quick fire seems labored, reloading is much longer than I remember the 1st game taking and dont get me started on the sprinting, my god the sprinting! I feel like an asthmatic tortoise wadng through knee deep syrup at the best of times.

Was running on ultra with all the Nvidia flex settings on @ 60fps so unless it just had horrendous SLI timing think the game needs some oil and lots of it!

And is there a way to disable the slow mo scenes every few seconds?

Will give it a tinker tommorow to see if it was just a setting or not.

I would have to agree about reloading. Been caught out so many times.

You can sprint backwards as well. Not sure if this is intentional
i had a game last night and the feel of the game seems to have changed.

had no issues before the the first big update but the game doesnt feel right anymore and i seem to be running out of ammo quicker as well.

havent played it since the first big update till the other night.

dont like how the searching online function works now, i liked the list to see which games where running etc
So glad I didn't pay for this game. I liked the first, but even on normal the end boss is just a a bullet sponge. Had like 4-5 games on Normal and every time we couldn't kill the boss. Sure we were all lv 1 free weekend players, but on Normal it shouldn't be that hard? KF1 certainly wasn't.

It's not even like its hard, its just so time consuming and everyone runs out of bullets and ends up running away and firing a few pistol rounds in the few second you have before he catches up to you as the boss is so much faster than you.

I tried solo as I did a fair few of the KF1 maps solo...nope! Same thing again, get to the end boss with ease then end up running away for 30 mins until I eventually run out of ammo or get bored. Waste of time.

I'm not even bad at games, I can do expert campaigns on L4D2 solo. This should be a walk in the park.
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