WWAUT - Melee Improvements
With E3 only days away, many players are working out the best way to stream the content they want to consume. We strongly recommend that you tune in at
http://www.twitch.tv/pcgamer for the inaugural PC Gaming Show on Tues June 16th at 6PM PST. It's literally a LIVE E3 version of WWAUT! Now with that out of the way, let us talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Over the past few weeks, the melee system has been getting some extra enhancement. As noted previously[forums.tripwireinteractive.com] we’ve been watching what players are doing as well as listening to their requests. Now change is underway and we would like to walk you through the highlights of what we are doing to improve the systems.
In the current live build, when a user hits the “bash” key, it uses an existing attack. No more! Now this key will have its own unique function. A few examples:
Perk Knife - a new fast stabbing attack
Katana - execute a powerful stab
Pulverizer - push back that group of foes that is in your face
We have also been making enhancements to the parry system. We saw that some players were confused about when they had successfully parried (vs stumbled) so now each zed has a different animation for each state. We’ve also flagged some zed attacks to be non parryable (but to help, these attacks now have a tell so keep an eye out!).
Blocking is also being refined. The next iteration of blocking will allow players to move at normal speed while blocking (where right now they are slowed down during the blocking state). Players will also now see hit reactions to give feedback to them that they are blocking (and taking mitigated damage).
Those systems are currently live in our latest dev build and under heavy testing and feedback from the staff (and we may continue to make changes and tweaks before they make it into public hands). Also as part of this undertaking we are working to improve the parry system so it works more consistently online (this is still prototype work and may not make a near future update).
And while it is not quite ready to show yet, we have just approved the new perk skill tree for the Zerker skill tree (having redesigned it from the ground up). As the new tree comes online in the dev build and we have vetted it we will be providing more details.
One final thing for those players who have been upset that they couldn’t wear both their hat (to protect their heads of course!) and their shades (pure cool), we have made an enhancement to the player character system that will allow this!