Killing Floor 2

It means it's too heavy to carry.
Next to you cash display in the top middle of the screen, you can see you weight capacity. At the moment your 15/15, which means you're going to have to sell something.

Excellent thanks, so does that mean I can potentially carry 3 primaries if I sell all my other tat?
Created a server called "Overclockers UK" Currently running short wave (4)/Normal difficulty and it's been full since yesterday.

I'm going to experiment with a higher server count but will need to close the server down temporarily whilst I do.
Didn't know how to configure 12 even though I tried entering it into the Web GUI and config files, it went back to 6 and 32 players max shows in the maximum player field. Anyway we now have a 32 player server and it filled up extremely fast. :D

XP does work even though good luck killing things lol





Because people use quick match instead of looking in the server browser I changed it to the default short wave (4) and normal mode. The server quickly filled up. Unfortunately when it was 7 waves and Hard/Suicidal there were maximum 4 players.
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Server has been doing well (Stays around half full in the morning and late afternoon/evening it's always full).

Once populated I change it to 7 waves and Hard as most players prefer this.

Since people are still low ranked playing on Suicidal and HOE doesn't end well. So the balance at the moment is right. I have no idea where these 300ms ping players come from though.
Killing Floor 2 Update - 1007 Available Soon (server files available now)
Fixed healer screen not updating

Server browser:
Fixed max player count not showing on server browser
Added refresh indicator for server browser
Party leader can now bring their party with them when joining a passworded server
Fixed players not being able to join a server when using the Russian language

Adjusted door health and weld integrity values
Fixed single-load guns sometimes not hitting zeds after reloading
Fixed toggling Steam UI unpausing a paused, standalone game

Fixed medic with healing surge being unable to heal after level up
Fixed commando not receiving large mags bonus for current weapon
Fixed medic combatant skill giving armor every time the player switches to it
Fixed bug that allowed players at a skill unlock tier (5, 10, etc.) to change skills any time during game

Level design:
Fixed Hans getting stuck in firing range on Outpost
Fixed zeds being unable to navigate off new helipad
Fixed some minor art-related issues

Updated localization
Removed references to flashlights in SCAR, AK-12, and Bullpup descriptions

Fixed some third-person artifacting related to muzzle flashes
Fixed issues with flamethrower charring online

Fixed un-ending clot grab sounds
Fixed silent battle chatter for German and Russian (now uses English audio)
Fixed persistent muffled audio bug

Fixed issue with rebinding clicks with multiple commands (like fire/spectate next)
Fixed caps lock being un-bindable
Fixed voice chat binding blocking input

Fixed several exploits

Dedicated server:
Added servername and numplayers to window title
Fixed "-autoupdate" command (this will make the server check for a newer version and shut down if it detects one)

Additional gameplay crash fixes (we are still investigating and working on many of the launch crashes)

New Update
Depends on your team mates. You can try Hard at that level. I'm level 16 and just play Hard but still lose because my team mates decide to go lone wolf and die.
What We Are Up To - Lord Of The Manor

I'll include content later but Manor looks good.


This is our first State of the Killing Floor 2 Union Address. We are a couple of weeks in from our launch on Steam Early Access. During our time in Early Access we'll be bringing you regular updates on what we're up to and what's coming next (includes visuals of the new stuff!). Everybody here is working hard away at something. For some their task of investigating the critical bugs and crashes continues. While we fixed many of these with hotfixes and the first patch, there are still some left lurking that aren't giving us good data. To that end with the next update will include some additional logging and catching mechanism in hopes of getting us more information to address these issues.

That isn't all that is going on. Data, data everywhere! From watching others play (both in-game and on streams), to forum discussions to live gameplay data from servers, we are absorbing it all. This is the area where we'll collect and collate date, listen and discuss - we don't have all the answers yet. Perk balancing discussions are ongoing (did somebody mention the Berserker yet? Yes? Ok), as are the feature refinement meetings (what do you, the players, dislike, and how can we change that). As we continue development we will be talking more and more about these items (what those items are will be ever changing as well) . But right now we are still figuring out much of that as we pore over data sets.

But what is the next visible piece? That we do know. While there are many irons in the fire here at Tripwire HQ (maps, perks, weapons, characters, bosses, more?) we are closing in on what will be the first content update for Killing Floor 2. We are pleased to announce the (Work In Progress) new map - Manor.



Set against a Swiss cliff side, this modern fortress hides many secrets. While the raging storm outside approaches, evil has begun to leak out from its imposing walls. You are being invited in (well you've been offered dosh to clear the place out!), are you up for the challenge?



And this is only the first of what is to come (see the previously mentioned irons in the fire)! We'll be posting more info very soon with more details - so stay tuned!
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um i was playing on them 10 days after launch ;) 32man server was not even laggy

I ran a 32 man server but when they made the servers non ranked and didn't allow perk progression I didn't see the point in running it anymore.

Edit - ALso this game for some reason overheats my cards (67 sli). The top card hits 80 and then the game crashes. Every other game works fine.
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WHAT WE ARE UP TO - 5/22/15

It’s been a busy 4 weeks since KILLING FLOOR 2 hit Steam Early Access. We've been paying close attention to your comments and digesting all of the great feedback and bug reporting that has been coming through to us via the forums and our social sites. Please keep it coming as it’s helping us prioritize and determine what we work on next!

We're in the midst of finalizing & testing a new patch now and we hope to get this released and into the wild within a matter of days. A couple of weeks ago we gave you a small glimpse of the new map (Volter Manor) that will be included in the patch. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new map (and seeing more of the great video content people have been creating). In addition to Volter Manor we also have a special surprise planned for those who already own KF1 and have been asking about some of the “classic voices” from the original Killing Floor… “I'm trying to heal you, not shag you!”


Tn KF2 May Manor 0003 Tn KF2 May Manor 0007 Tn KF2 May Manor 0008

We’ve also heard from lots of you who really loved the Item Hunt & Achievements from Killing Floor so we’re pleased to report that they’ll be included in the patch for all the maps! There are also some other fixes in the patch that we’ve addressed based on the feedback we’ve been getting from you. More on those specifics when the update is live and we post the final change list.

We’re already at work on the second (and much larger) Early Access content update. We don’t have an exact release date for it yet but it's coming soon and we plan on sharing loads of information and visual goodies about it starting in the next couple of weeks. We’ve been monitoring your feedback and analyzing lots of quantitative game data and we’re digging into some of the existing systems and making changes and refinements (Melee, hit zones, perk tuning, UI, SDK support, etc… just to name a few). More new maps are coming as are new perks, so rest assured that there’s A LOT going on here at Tripwire HQ. We’re excited by the initial great reaction to Killing Floor 2 and we’re just getting started! Watch this space for LOTS of exciting news coming to you on a regular basis.

Lastly, we've realized just how many people are interested in translating the game into their native language, so we are going to make all the text easily available through the Steam Translation Server ( over the coming weeks. That will be primed with the existing translations, along with the volunteer contributions we've already had for other languages. If you want to get involved and help translate more of KF2, get yourself registered on STS (if you aren't already).

This is the change log for the update going out VERY SOON... like next couple of hours!

New map: Volter Manor
Added collectable items and related achievements to all 4 existing maps
Numerous fixes to cosmetic issues and map exploits in Biotics Lab, Burning Paris and Outpost
Added 2 new characters for owners of the original Killing Floor: Classic Briar and Classic Masterson
Improved XP barks on player HUD
Added "Killed by" messages on HUD
Voice comms select on close instead of requiring a mouse click
Update bugsplat to give us more information, which may add a delay when submitting.
Added a clientside filter for full servers (in addition to server-side)
Increased the EndOfGameDelay to 15 seconds
Fixed unintended extra applications of Field Medic’s Armament and Vaccination buffs when using Medic Grenades
Slowed down AI movement speed slightly in HOE
Crash fix for servers that have improperly set up server actors
Fixed issues when connecting to passworded servers via command line and Steam invites
Fixed some FX not being affected by night vision goggles when motion blur is enabled
Enabled UE stats for the SDK only
Custom material support

Yes, yes, yes.

Does this game have an 'elitist' player-base or something?

Just joined a server for the first time, and got told to ****-off and leave because I was playing as Medic... hadn't even fired a shot, literally just joined.


I just had one bad experience where some Liverpudlian started mouthing off at me for no reason at all. I don't play with VOIP and I don't use in game text chat unless necessary. I should have asked him what his problem was but since I was racking up the kills and top of the leaderboard I just called him Cilla Black's love child lol

However, you always get bad eggs in a basket but overall the community online is great.

I play as commando or medic and Medics are very important especially when playing on the harder difficulties. They have increased speed, they increase armour for the team and provide a constant supply of health regeneration with darts/grenades. The medic grenades that cause Zeds to panic is funny but a pointless perk imo.

Do classes have a max level?

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WWAUT - Melee Improvements
With E3 only days away, many players are working out the best way to stream the content they want to consume. We strongly recommend that you tune in at for the inaugural PC Gaming Show on Tues June 16th at 6PM PST. It's literally a LIVE E3 version of WWAUT! Now with that out of the way, let us talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Over the past few weeks, the melee system has been getting some extra enhancement. As noted previously[] we’ve been watching what players are doing as well as listening to their requests. Now change is underway and we would like to walk you through the highlights of what we are doing to improve the systems.

In the current live build, when a user hits the “bash” key, it uses an existing attack. No more! Now this key will have its own unique function. A few examples:
Perk Knife - a new fast stabbing attack
Katana - execute a powerful stab
Pulverizer - push back that group of foes that is in your face

We have also been making enhancements to the parry system. We saw that some players were confused about when they had successfully parried (vs stumbled) so now each zed has a different animation for each state. We’ve also flagged some zed attacks to be non parryable (but to help, these attacks now have a tell so keep an eye out!).

Blocking is also being refined. The next iteration of blocking will allow players to move at normal speed while blocking (where right now they are slowed down during the blocking state). Players will also now see hit reactions to give feedback to them that they are blocking (and taking mitigated damage).

Those systems are currently live in our latest dev build and under heavy testing and feedback from the staff (and we may continue to make changes and tweaks before they make it into public hands). Also as part of this undertaking we are working to improve the parry system so it works more consistently online (this is still prototype work and may not make a near future update).

And while it is not quite ready to show yet, we have just approved the new perk skill tree for the Zerker skill tree (having redesigned it from the ground up). As the new tree comes online in the dev build and we have vetted it we will be providing more details.

One final thing for those players who have been upset that they couldn’t wear both their hat (to protect their heads of course!) and their shades (pure cool), we have made an enhancement to the player character system that will allow this!
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