King Kong

Very very good film. The CGI were absolutely astonishing, especially the ones with Kong fighting the dinosaurs, absolutely amazing animation. It did drag out a bit though, and I thought some of it was just a tad overly horriffic. I'm not particularly bothered by it, but the bit where the guy gets his head sucked off by those worms with teeth was a bit OTT :p
ross-o said:
its fantasy man! where else can you see that sort of otherworldly entertainment?

at source king kong is about a massive monkey who falls in love with a woman, if you can buy that then why worry about some quick movement. i can bever understand people who complain about fantastical elements in movies.

at the end of the day, everyone knows what king kong is about, surrender reality at the door and enjoy an escape to another world, imo wonderfully executed by peter jackson.

excellent entertainment.

Why didn't they make kong a cyborg monkey then if you like your films ridiculous?

I'm not talking about quick movement, per se, I'm talking about creatures and objects not having inertia/momentum to those movements.
I ******* loved it.
One of the best films iv ever seen. And i officialy want Peter Jacksons babies!
The action scenes were amazing and it was so emotional aswell. Amazing CGI too. Kong looked 100% real to me all the time:)

Anyone else get really dissoriented and woozy when the camera went first person in the planes? When they were attacking kong? Really weird feeling, but quite cool:)
I still don't know which version I prefer. I watched the 1933 version on BBC2 the other day and the 1976 version on CH4 yesterday. The 1933 version didn't really excite me as much as the 2005 version but I thought the story was better. I prefer the ending of the 1976 version to the other two but it's a very poor film in comparison but still better than Kong Lives which was just amusing.

Saw it today and I must rate it very high.
The way kong acted like an actual silverback gorilla was wicked.
And the emotion that was shown though the power of CGI was amazing.

Got me abit upset at some points.

There was a little thing Peter Jackson Said in an interview

" I had the idea that kongs perants were killed by the T Rex's"

This made the T Rex battle even better because I had the feeling kong was out for revenge. The one on one with Kong and the last Rex was amazing, when kong let out his roar and pushed ann aside and sprung into battle.

Very Emotional.
Very Powerful.
ElvisFan said:
Why didn't they make kong a cyborg monkey then if you like your films ridiculous?

eh? did i say that I like my films ridiculous? No, I said that King Kong is fantasy, just like LOTR/Narnia/Spiderman etc etc. your above comment makes no sense. :o
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ross-o said:
eh? did i say that I like my films ridiculous? No, I said that King Kong is fantasy, just like LOTR/Narnia/Spiderman etc etc. your above comment makes no sense. :o

My post makes perfect sense. Fantasy still needs to have certain elements of realism to make it work.

LOTR was ruined by far-fetched battles. I won't go into details because I'd be typing all evening if I did.
LOTR was ruined by far-fetched battles.

think I speak for everyone when I say

the speed of kong and the t rexes was as believable as it could have been.
The missus liked it.
I liked it.
The boy (8) liked it.
And all the girlies were crying when he took his fall as well.

dmpoole said:
Its Penski - it can mean whatever you want.

You knows it.

As for ElvisFan, "The spiderman and hulk films were also totally ruined by absolutely stupid feats of speed and jumping."


penski said:
You knows it.

As for ElvisFan, "The spiderman and hulk films were also totally ruined by absolutely stupid feats of speed and jumping."



What?? The entire point of the films is to make adults say, "Well that was complete rubbish."??

I'm betting you've not started shaving yet. Otherwise you might see my point. If you are of age, then god help us.
R^T said:
think I speak for everyone when I say

the speed of kong and the t rexes was as believable as it could have been.

Please post your qualifications in prehistoric zoological physiology.

As a layman I say they were too quick.
This and Narnia are the best films i've seen in years at the cinema!
The Fight scenes are great, the comedy is hilarious and the ending is so sad :(

ElvisFan said:
Please post your qualifications in prehistoric zoological physiology.

As a layman I say they were too quick.

It's a movie. You've got to put some of your belief into it sometimes.
Right, time to put on my flame retardant suit:

This film was a total let down. I'm don't claim to be a director but I know what I like, and that's a film with good pacing. Many reviews I have read have said something along the lines of 'a slow first hour followed by a rollercoaster 2 hour sprint to the Empire State Building'. True, but not in a good way. To keep the audience entertained (in my opinion), you have to pace the movie to build up to certain scenes, hold our emotions long enough and let us down gently. This movie's build up was so long it filled half of any other regular movie so that by the time they reached Skull Island, I felt as if they were only a reel away from the Empire State Building. Then came one peril after another. You can only play with our emotions for so long before we get bored. Peril after peril after peril. By the time they got to the bug scene, I had already clocked who was going to live and die (token black dude gone? check! young hapless newbie lives? check! secondary love interest lives? check! random Englishman in an American movie? You bet he's going to die) and was waiting for a break in the action to run to the toilet (not something I like to do in a movie, but this this is so damn long). So yay they are all finally in New York. Cue the famous scene. No wait, we have to sit through a very badly shot car chase and an ice skating scene (tbh this is the point I got so impatient I bolted for the toilet so I don't know exactly what happened there). I come back and the titular gorilla is getting shot at by the bi-planes. For another 30 minuites. Just die already.

To summarise that rant: don't make a 3 hour movie unless you have more to fill it with, and not overly long panning shots, enough bi-plane strafing runs send your audience to sleep and peril after damn peril.

Also. Think about your audience. If you are making a family movie don't make it three hours long, nor have phallic bugs that swallow people's heads. Some of the kids that went to see this were young, and screaming and crying by the end. But my ranting about 12as is for another day.

Finally, I was reading about what the point of the movie was supposed to be about from interviews with Peter Jackson and Niomi Watts. They were going on about how Kong was sad about being the last of his race and not being about to mate with little Ann Darrow. And how the pair are kindred spirts lost in a word they don't understand. WTF? I felt no emotional bond between the pair whatsoever.

I felt no emotional bond between the pair whatsoever.

everyones open to an opinion dude. You made some good points

I felt the emotion between them. Like when he got shot in the leg at the waters edge and he put his out out to ann.

Please post your qualifications in prehistoric zoological physiology.

Suprise suprise I don't have any. But you can't honestly say it looked stupid?
I really enjoyed this film, i happend to thought that it was played out quite well. Yes if your going to be pendantic then i guess some scenes were not relevant, and yes it might of been slighty to long, and yes the t-rex might of moved to quick. However (and this is just my opinion folks) for what it was i thought it worked well, with films like this you kinda have to disregard real life and just enjoy the film for what it is, i could never watch a film in the cinema and think... "hmmm that t-rex isnt moving right.... far to unrealistic", for me it just ruins the whole experience of the film.

I also think that making a film nowadays is a vicious circle, you cant do one thing without being criticised for another thing, for example:

Jackon spends time trying to build a relationship between the audience and the characters on screen, this takes time, to give them depth and meaning, he does this and people moan that its to long. If he doesnt do this then people moan that there is no emotion in the characters. Now i know some people have posted that they thought the realtionships between the characters was rubbish and that the acting wasnt amazing, thats cool thats their opinion and i have no beef with that.

In my opinion im glad he did, i happen to think that the relationship between kong and ann was played out just right. You could tell there was something there, that they both cared for each other in a wierd sort of way. I also thought that Andy Serkis did an excellent job displaying this with his talents, Partically when shes doing the funny dance for kong (just after kong had taken her) That whole scene made me chuckle quite a bit.

Yeah there are some token deaths in there that a 2 year old could predict, but that doesnt bother me much, yes it is a bit cheesy, but thats the way it is i deal with it, i try not to make it ruin the film for me.

I guess what im trying to say is that people look far to deeply into films nowadays, take it as it is a fantasy film, i think if it were to real it would be boring.

Just my opinion of course :)
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