** Kingdom Come : Deliverance 2 **

Go back to train. End up challenging him get battered.

Now I can't heal. I've eaten too much, can't sleep to heal as I've slept too much, can't be bothered to go and find chamomile or marigolds or whatever to make decorations....

Everything is just a chore.

I get we are in the Medieval ages and everything was a chore but a game is meant to be fun as well.
Press T and wait some time so you can let your overeat go down and also your energy go down so you can sleep.. it takes 10 seconds.

Regarding fighting not sure why you are struggling so much, maybe you just aren't acustomed to the fighting mechanics yet as it does take a bit of getting use too.

The game just doesn't sound like it's for you, this isn't a game where you get instant gratification.
Press T and wait some time so you can let your overeat go down and also your energy go down so you can sleep.. it takes 10 seconds.

Regarding fighting not sure why you are struggling so much, maybe you just aren't acustomed to the fighting mechanics yet as it does take a bit of getting use too.

The game just doesn't sound like it's for you, this isn't a game where you get instant gratification.

That’s a bit of a stretch because every RPG is designed not to give instant gratification. It’s the standard MO that you start off very weak and pathetic.

As a KCD veteran I was very used to the combat mechanics. I won my first fight against two bandits and had decent armour, swords and hundreds of grochen within 20 minutes. I didn’t have to commit a single crime either.

Having said that and despite my knowledge of the combat and how to make money without resorting to criminality, I still think a lot of the gameplay mechanics are poorly designed and frustrating rather than fun.

It also doesn’t help that there is a massive amount of unnecessary dialogue and exposition.
I'm not going to give up on it just yet. But this is going to be a real grind.

So how do I beat Tomcat to get the Master Strike?

Keep practice fighting him to level up?
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I'm so frustrated by this game and thinking of giving up...

Long story... Everything is a chore.

I didn't train enough with Tomcat so can't defeat some bandits in another quest.

Go back to train. End up challenging him get battered.

Now I can't heal. I've eaten too much, can't sleep to heal as I've slept too much, can't be bothered to go and find chamomile or marigolds or whatever to make decorations....

Everything is just a chore.

I get we are in the Medieval ages and everything was a chore but a game is meant to be fun as well.


Had the idea to go to the tavern to get food.

Wondered in to the pantry randomly and saw some bacon which I thought I'd take.

Precisely when I take the bacon someone walks in and I get in to a Benny Hill chase with the guards....

First of all, have you downloaded the F5 save mod? If not do it now, game will become a lot more fun instantly.

Second of all, I battered tomcat (did have to reload a couple of time after ******* it up). But once you get the hang of it it ain't that hard.

Either you have yet to level up enough or just lack the skill. I never got to tomcat until at least 10 hours into the game.

I am already very good with a crossbow and get hesdshots :D

Game is a lot of fun once you get the save mod. I have always liked being able to save when I want. Don't have time to replay ages after ******* something up..
@TNA how did yo get good at the archery?

I've tried one or two of the competitions but I am so low on gold it is costly.

My only means at the moment of making money is smithing which is again a chore.

How did you batter tomcat because I am struggling.

Do i have to keep practising with Tomcat to level up my sword skills?
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@TNA how did yo get good at the archery?

I've tried one or two of the competitions but I am so low on gold it is costly.

My only means at the moment of making money is smithing which is again a chore.

How did you batter tomcat because I am struggling.

Was easy. Got the save mod yes?

First try against beginners (very easy) costs like 10 or 15 and you treble it if you win then against experienced. You win you treble it. Then against master which I think is 35 gold, you win you treble it.

Do experienced a few times and you have nice amount of gold. Oh and you experience goes up..
Can't do Tom Cat either, so skipped past that bit. Combat sucks big time. A few hours in now and also finding the game to be a chore, as it's too finnickety and everything feels like a hassle, rather than being fun.

I'm really not seeing why this game is so popular. I will trudge on a bit further to see if it gets any better, but I doubt it.
I having a lot of fun with this, the whole location and story, even though only done side quests and not even the wedding invite yet :) , for me once I got used to the fighting not being a hit,hit,hit but more of a hit, hold\block and counter it makes it a bit easier and enjoyable, I'm by no means great but have beat multiple attackers.

As mentioned I think the stolen items seems a bit odd and I'm thinking of maybe modding it as it does seem strange that if I steal a sword in one village then go to another the merchant knows it's stolen, like they phoned ahead to let them know :D
Can't do Tom Cat either, so skipped past that bit. Combat sucks big time. A few hours in now and also finding the game to be a chore, as it's too finnickety and everything feels like a hassle, rather than being fun.

I'm really not seeing why this game is so popular. I will trudge on a bit further to see if it gets any better, but I doubt it.

Did you get the riposte skill? Even if not, the best way to defeat most one on ones is to wait until the green shield symbol appears and do a block (right mouse button). Then do a single quick attack (left mouse button) and repeat the process until you win. Do NOT hold the right mouse button to block, only click once when the green shield symbol appears. Even better learn to watch the enemy’s shoulder movements, when they start an attack click once on block and when the blue crossed swords appear (riposte skill), do a single attack.

Combos suck because you need to get perfect timing AND perfect mouse movement three or four times in a row and that is quite random with keyboard and mouse*. So when you inevitably fail more than you succeed because of the janky combat and control system, you have just wasted all your stamina and left yourself open to attacks with no means of defence. Aim to keep your stamina because losing it equals vulnerable.

Masterful strikes (when you get them) suck unless you practice, because you now have to attack when the green shield appears instead of block. The problem here is you MUST attack in the opposite direction of their attack. And that takes a lot of timing and more skill because of janky controls and RNG.

My advice on the combat is just use perfect block timing and ripostes. But do it with a mace or heavy hammer because they simply wreck armoured opponents. Ignore and leave the masterful strike namby pamby nonsense to those stuck up sword my worddy types and just crush the *******. :D

*believe it or not, combos are actually easier with a controller as the stick movement is more forgiving.
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That’s a bit of a stretch because every RPG is designed not to give instant gratification. It’s the standard MO that you start off very weak and pathetic.

As a KCD veteran I was very used to the combat mechanics. I won my first fight against two bandits and had decent armour, swords and hundreds of grochen within 20 minutes. I didn’t have to commit a single crime either.

Having said that and despite my knowledge of the combat and how to make money without resorting to criminality, I still think a lot of the gameplay mechanics are poorly designed and frustrating rather than fun.

It also doesn’t help that there is a massive amount of unnecessary dialogue and exposition.
It's game of the year
One other bit of advice but more for when you are outnumbered. Attack the unarmoured opponents first and try to manoeuvre to keep enemies away from your sides and rear. Attacking the unarmoured opponents helps whittle down the enemies numbers. If you can game the game, get them into a corralled corridor type environment. I backed into a dead end gully wide enough for one and let an entire band of horse thief’s come at me one at a time. I could barley move with all the gear I managed to recover

My first fight after leaving the town was two Bandits robbing a guy. One bandit was heavily armoured and had a sword and shield, the other was in normal padded clothing and had a bludgeon. The armoured guy had his back to me, but I ignored the obvious “stab him in the back, it’s only a pity he’s awake” ploy and ran straight for the guy in an anorak:)

Two or three swipes he was dead and it was now one on one and the armoured bandit was now focused on me. Off we go into a usual dance of me doing perfect block (parry) and a single attack. I had no riposte skill at this time, it was just a case of being patient until the bandit had enough.

He eventually surrendered and I took the opportunity to finish him off. Took everything from the dead bandits and the guy they were robbing was a nobleman who gave me 20 groschen. I went back to the starter town and sold all the excess gear and ended up with about 200 groschen and a very nice military sword and good armour.
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It's game of the year

Overall what you really mean is “It’s your GOTY so far”?

I have a suspicion there may be much better than this given it’s only February. Ghosts of Tsushima 2 (Ghost of Yōtei), GTA6, Witcher 4 among others. Now if all of those slip I can see it doing well.

Look, I know I have been critical, but that is not the same as a “hater”. I think the problem with KCD 1 and 2 is lack of accessibility due to very nuanced and janky combat. We can argue it’s great or not but it IS janky down to far too much reliance on QTE and RNG events.

Did you get the perfect timing… was it also the perfect mouse action… now we need to RNG that your skill level is about 8 below the enemy and… nope the enemy perfect parried and master striked your not so perfect party attempt. Now here comes a combo to finish you off.

Or in other words, it’s just not fluid enough or visceral enough to feel satisfying. To the majority it just becomes a chore to play and this is not helped by the terrible boring mini games. The majority don’t want to spend ages doing loads of button presses in the perfect order to brew some saviour schnapps just to save their ******* game. It becomes a grind and boring very fast.

Similarly the overly long and boring dialogues do nothing to remove that feeling of “this is just not fun”.
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Witcher 4 in 2025? :cry:

GTA6 2025 on PC? :cry:

Haha, I know, but who said PC? ;)

Also if neither of those are released (I did caveat that point by the way), there are still plenty of AAA games due for release that might be bigger more mainstream contenders.
I'm so frustrated by this game and thinking of giving up...

Long story... Everything is a chore.

I didn't train enough with Tomcat so can't defeat some bandits in another quest.

Go back to train. End up challenging him get battered.

Now I can't heal. I've eaten too much, can't sleep to heal as I've slept too much, can't be bothered to go and find chamomile or marigolds or whatever to make decorations....

Everything is just a chore.

I get we are in the Medieval ages and everything was a chore but a game is meant to be fun as well.


Had the idea to go to the tavern to get food.

Wondered in to the pantry randomly and saw some bacon which I thought I'd take.

Precisely when I take the bacon someone walks in and I get in to a Benny Hill chase with the guards....
The big problem is that games made us lazy, gave us everything upfront - stuff like auto healing, quick saves, etc. It took away the need the *manage* your resources, pay attention to in game tips and play around/learn the game mechanics.

With that said, yes, some stuff could have been better explained or more logically developed.

But yeah, if you don't have the patience, it can be frustrating.
Is Stalker 2 the same sort of thing just with guns?
Not really. Combat is easier there, resources (as in food), easier to have and outside of overpowered bloodsuckers, it isn't that difficult on easy. Plenty of just go to X mark - which is obviously market so you don't miss it. Just annoying on how bad/cheating the AI is.
Is the stolen things mechanic as stupid as the first one (IE somehow every vendor magically knew they were stolen?)
Of course.

I can't remember a SINGLE game (scratch that, Arma 3 has some better combat resource management), that had a proper working economy. This is the most basic, stupid thing along side stuff like getting 2 bullets each time from a fallen NPC. And almost all gamers defend this crap in their favourite game.
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